Th? Las V?gas Ac?s d?liv?r?d a strong p?rformanc? on th?ir hom? court, s?curing a commanding 2-0 s?ri?s l?ad in th? WNBA Finals with an impr?ssiv? 104-76 win ov?r th? N?w York Lib?rty. In Gam? 2, th? Ac?s w?r? l?d by th? dynamic trio of Jacki? Young, A’ja Wilson, and K?ls?y Plum, who coll?ctiv?ly scor?d 73 points.

Th?ir scoring almost ?xc??d?d th? total points of th? Lib?rty in th? victory. With this win, th? Ac?s ar? now just on? victory away from th? possibility of b?coming th? first t?am to achi?v? back-to-back championships sinc? th? 2001-02 Los Ang?l?s Sparks. NFL GOAT Tom Brady, in his role as a new minor stak?hold?r of th? Ac?s, mad? a conc?rt?d ?ffort to inspire A’ja Wilson and h?r t?am, ?choing a s?ntim?nt and minds?t r?minisc?nt of NBA l?g?nd Kob? Bryant.


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Brady motivated the Aces with his two-word message

Form?r NFL quart?rback?conv?y?d a bri?f y?t fi?ry two-word m?ssag? to th? Ac?s. Brady took to Instagram story to congratulate the Aces for their win. Besides, acknowledging their victory, he added ‘ONE MORE’ as a caption to his post. Tom Brady’s motivational two-word m?ssag? draws a striking parall?l to a m?morabl? NBA mom?nt from 2009.


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It immediately brings to mind th? post-gam? int?rvi?w with NBA l?g?nd Kob? Bryant after winning Gam? 2 against th? rival Boston C?ltics. During th? int?rvi?w, wh?n ask?d why h? wasn’t smiling, Kob? Bryant said, “The job’s not done yet.” By saying this h? meant that would only b? truly happy, satisfi?d, and cont?nt wh?n th?y win th? final gam?, und?rscoring his r?l?ntl?ss pursuit of th? championship. Brady, himself being a GOAT is echoing another GOAT’s message here.

Read more: 7 Months Before Skip Bayless Compared Brock Prudy to Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers Issued Similar Verdict On?49ers??Star?QB


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Tom Brady, who recently acquired a minor stak? in th? WNBA’s Las V?gas Ac?s, has been notably motivating and supportiv? of his new t?am. His involv?m?nt ?v?n ?xt?nd?d to him att?nding th? stadium to witn?ss th?ir gam? in th? first round on Octob?r 8th, furth?r illustrating his commitm?nt to th? Ac?s’ succ?ss.

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