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Onc? mor?, th? Las V?gas Ac?s hav? s?cur?d th? WNBA championship. In an int?ns? showdown, th? Ac?s triumph?d with a nail-biting 70-69 victory against th? N?w York Lib?rty in Gam? 4 on W?dn?sday night. This victory marks a historic achi?v?m?nt as th?y b?com? th? first t?am sinc? th? 2001-2002 Los Ang?l?s Sparks to win cons?cutiv? titl?s. A’ja Wilson, ?arning h?r first car??r win, was award?d th? Finals MVP.

To comm?morat? th? historic victory of th? Ac?s, form?r NFL quart?rback Tom Brady, who holds a minor own?rship stak? in th? t?am, turned to Instagram. In a concis? and impactful g?stur?, h? d?liv?r?d a four-word m?ssag? to th? Ac?s’ Finals MVP.

Tom Brady congratulating Wilson


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Brady’s social m?dia post highlighted his support and ?nthusiasm for th? r?markabl? accomplishm?nt of th? Ac?s. His post, furth?r solidifyied th? s?ns? of unity and c?l?bration among th? t?am’s own?rship and fans. Following th? Ac?s’ triumphant win against th? Lib?rty, th?ir MVP, A’ja Wilson, donn?d a “M’VP?riodt.” t-shirt, joyously c?l?brating h?r victory with fans whil? popping a coupl? of champagn? bottl?s.


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Th? mom?nt captur?d th? ?ss?nc? of h?r achi?v?m?nt. Tom Brady th?n shar?d th? Ac?s’ post on his Instagram story, f?aturing A’ja Wilson proudly fl?xing in h?r white “M’VPeriodt.” t-shirt. His accompanying caption, “Th? shirt says it all,” r?sonat?d with his ?ndors?m?nt and w?ll wish?s as a t?am own?r, ?xpr?ssing his support for th?ir succ?ss.

Brady has been supportive throughout

Tom Brady’s unwav?ring support for th? Ac?s and A’ja Wilson b?gan ?v?n b?for? h? officially b?cam? an own?r. H? invit?d A’ja as a gu?st on his LET’S GO! podcast for motivation ah?ad of Gam? 2 and physically att?nd?d th? first quart?r to ch??r th?m on. Post-Gam? 3, h? continu?d to motivate th?m. His consistent support ?x?mplifi?s his gr?atn?ss and GOAT m?ntality.


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Read more: ?On Top of the World?: Owner Tom Brady Takes Pride in Las Vegas Aces? Historic WNBA Championship Win Over Liberty With Jubilant Message

Despite b?ing significant und?rdogs in WNBA, th? Ac?s d?fi?d ?xp?ctations, r?lying on th?ir r?sili?nc? and championship p?digr??. A’ja Wilson’s sp?ctacular p?rformanc? yi?ld?d 24 points and 16 r?bounds. While Jacki? Young contributed 16 points and s?v?n assists, ?sp?cially in th? crucial fourth quart?r. Cayla G?org?, who had s??n limit?d posts?ason action, st?pp?d up with thr?? critical 3-point?rs and 11 points.

Now that Brady has conclud?d his r?markabl? 23-y?ar car??r in th? NFL, he is ?mbracing a str?ss-fr?? lifestyle and indulging in life’s luxuri?s. His post-football journey involves div?rsifying his inv?stm?nts and ?xploring various sports int?r?sts. Known for his vocal support and advocacy for g?nd?r ?quality in sports, his unwav?ring backing of his n?w WNBA t?am und?rscor?s his commitm?nt to promoting women’s sports l?agu?s.


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Watch this Story: ?Days after firing stern advice to A?ja Wilson owner Tom Brady appears courtside to cheer Aces on.