
“My mother is my rock,” Smith once remarked in a heartfelt confession. The words reflect his sentiments and regard for his mom, Karen. Despite facing many challenges in his early life, as he lost his dad, Wayne when he was very young, the Miami Dolphins TE never gave up. With his mom’s constant support, he has etched his name in the football league.

After signing a two-year contract deal of $8.15 million with the Dolphins, he has continued to solidify his status in the NFL. Impressively, in the ongoing season, he made waves by catching 6-of-7 targets for 53 yards. Thus, Smith’s on-field success is a testament to the strong off-field backing of his mom.

Who are Jonnu Smith’s parents, Wayne and Karen?


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Born to parents Wayne and Karen, Jonnu Smith’s early life was never easy. When he was just 4 years old, he had to face the tragic loss of his father Wayne. It was a major setback for him and his whole family. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania native, Jonnu’s dad was a truck driver who passed away during duty in a horrific accident in 2000. At that time, his dad was 40 years old and the only person who was financially responsible for their basic needs.

Jonnu Smith earlier adored his dad’s relentless efforts to fulfill all basic requirements as he had taken up multiple jobs to feed his family. “Whatever he could do — the legal way, of course — to provide for his family, he made a way. Did a lot of side jobs,” he earlier stated. And, to this day, he continues to take inspiration from his dad.

As stated, his dad was a hard worker and “was always working.” Thus, his late dad’s work ethic has influenced him in his athletic career. “I remember him coming home from work, telling me he’s going to work, taking me and my brother to his job, and showing us around town. My dad wore a lot of hats … I decided to take that from him and apply it to what I do today,” he recalled.

After his death, his mom Karen raised him and his other 5 siblings all alone. Despite facing many challenges, she never let her children’s spirits down. “It was really tough” for her. Jonnu earlier appreciated his mom, Karen for his upbringing. “But we always got what we needed  — not necessarily what we wanted all the time — but what we needed. She was so strong all the time,” he said. It is pretty much clear that Karen’s tireless efforts made him what he has become today.

Besides his mom’s sacrifices, Karen’s decision to send him to Florida also paved his path to the NFL. Surprisingly, his mother first disliked football, but she eventually became supportive of his son. Following the violence in her area, his mom was concerned about him.  And, for his better future, she finally, sent him to live with his aunt, Daria, and uncle, Mike in Ocala, Florida.


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Who are Jonnu Smith’s Aunt Daria and Uncle Mike, who took him in?

Previously, NFL TE expressed his gratefulness to his mom for allowing him to live with her sister, Daria, and her husband, Mike in Florida.  Because of his mom’s decision, he nailed his skills in football here. “She made a huge decision to send me to Florida.” This move apparently became the crucial turn of his life. And it definitely “changed my life for the better,” he reflected earlier. He also appreciated his mom’s decision, “She was just trying to put me in the best situation.”


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However, he is not only grateful to his mom for his current standings, but he also feels blessed as with god’s grace, he has found a second family in Florida. “Thank God, we had a loving family in the South that was in a better situation and more than willing to take me in and not only be an aunt and uncle to me, but like a second mother and father, and my cousins being like second brothers and sisters.”

Showing his gratitude to them for their support, he further notes, “I give them a lot of credit. It’s not easy. They could have easily said, ‘We’ve got our own family to worry about.’ They did it out of pure love, but I always feel indebted to them,” he earlier said. While, initially, he had no idea how to repay the kindness of his aunt and uncle, he has indeed made them proud by entering the NFL world. But, even now, he continues to thank them every time for whatever they have done for him.