
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce may become involved in a legal pickle over some bizarre allegations! The Kansas City Chiefs tight end and the singer/songwriter started dating each other around September 2023. And soon, with their presence together, the couple earned a lot of well-wishers for them.

However, as they say, there’s always a fly in the ointment. Similarly, Swift and Kelce’s cute romance has now caught up with a thorn – a peculiar development to be precise.

A social media user, Dr. Christine Sarteschi, Full Professor of SW & Criminology, shared a bizarre post of an unknown man who claims to be Taylor Swift’s lawful husband. Sarteschi dropped a few snaps of the copy of a legal complaint filed by the man in court. She wrote, “Very bizarre complaint in court records against Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. The person who wrote this is very unwell. I will let you read it for yourself. Thank goodness she has strong security.” Since the report became public, Kelce, for his part, has also tightened his security.


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The complaint filed by the individual also mentions a few strange allegations and threats. It reads, “We are married with a Holy Covenant Marriage, we have been separated temporarily, and I need assistance getting back to my Spouse and family, My Spouse Taylor Alison Swift, I need, want, her, I am experiencing a lot of pain because we are not together. This is not a joke. This is serious. I need her for everything whether she knows it or not. I need a Guardianship and conservatorship over her immediately.

Additionally, the man, who is called ‘unstable’ by many social media users, wrote, “Need my Spouse Taylor Alison Swift, not fulfilling of our Sacred Relationship by Travis Micheal Kelce….Immediate in defense kill orders for this individual of my Spouse and family.” Although the name and other details of the man aren’t revealed anywhere, Swifties and the couple’s well-wishers are worried about their safety.

Even Swift and Kelce haven’t talked about this case till now. But the interesting thing to note is that this isn’t the first time Swift has been encountering such crazy fans who call themselves her husband or partner.

A similar incident happened in 2014


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It’s quite obvious that Taylor Swift being the singing sensation, has millions of fans worldwide. Even many fans try to reach her with letters, artwork, or gifts. Her now-boyfriend Travis Kelce also tried to do the same once at Arrowhead. However, much before his entry into her life, in 2014, Swift filed for a restraining order against a man who claimed to be her husband. Timothy Sweet was granted a permanent restraining order in Los Angeles Superior Court and was officially banned from making any further contact with the singer and her family.

via Reuters

There were allegations that Sweet had been harassing Swift since January 2011, claiming to be her husband on social media, in letters, and through phone calls. As per the reports, he also showed up at her homes (Nashville and Beverly Hills) and record label offices, trying to contact her family.


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Additionally, Swift’s security team reported that the man’s behavior became more threatening after August 2013. According to them, he wrote, “Dearest Taylor, I’ll kill anyone who gets in the way of our marriage”, and “If anyone in Taylor Swift’s family gets killed it is not my fault.” Therefore, luckily, the man got banned from reaching out to her in any form.

And now a similar case again has disturbed Swift’s fans for sure. But luckily, Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce have their tight security with them.