

Does the CFL's single point rule make their games more thrilling than the NFL's?

Ever thought a missed field goal could actually win a game? In the CFL, it just did! The league’s quirky rules make for wild and thrilling moments, and this recent CFL game was no exception.

ML Football official X dropped a tweet that the CFL has a wild rule where “Missed field goal that goes through the end-zone is a point. If it is a tie game a missed field goal can WIN THE GAME FOR YOU. That happened last night!” Yep, that’s right: a missed kick can win the game if it’s a tie, thanks to the “walk-off rouge.”


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Here’s the scoop: In Canadian football, a field goal’s worth three points. Miss the mark and let the ball drift through the end zone, and you get just one point. This rule adds a wicked twist to close games—a missed field goal can still score you points, adding to the drama. Compare that to the NFL, where a field goal has to clear the uprights and crossbar to count. If it doesn’t make it or gets touched, it’s a total miss. No bonus points for missed kicks in the NFL.

Let’s break down the field dimensions. CFL fields are bigger—110 x 65 yards vs. the NFL’s 100 x 53 1/3 yards. Plus, CFL goalposts are at the front of the end zone (which is 20 yards deeper), while the NFL’s are at the back. 

Now, for the most intriguing bit: Canadian football scoring includes the “rouge”—a single point for kicks that go through the end zone—without being returned. This adds an extra twist to the game, whether it’s a missed field goal or a punt that stays put. The NFL’s system is a bit more cut-and-dry. Teams get four downs to advance, while the CFL keeps it old school with just three. And when it comes to timeouts, the NFL’s three per half outshine the CFL’s two per game.

Another key difference? Fair catches. Here, returners can signal for a fair catch, but in Canadian football, players have to catch or pick up the ball—without the luxury of a fair catch signal. 

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Does the CFL's single point rule make their games more thrilling than the NFL's?

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Both leagues bring their own swag. The CFL’s rouge cranks up the excitement, proving that even a missed field goal can be a game-changer. It’s a cool twist, especially after the NFL shook things up with its kickoff rules.

NFL’s new kickoff rules: The 2024 game-changer 

Troy Vincent Sr., NFL Executive VP of Football Operations, gathered a squad of special teams gurus—Saints’ Darren Rizzi, Cowboys’ John Fassel, and Bears’ Richard Hightower—to break down the game-changing details.


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Here’s the lowdown: kickoffs will still start from the A35 yard line, and safety kicks stay at the A20. But the real shake-up is in the alignment and landing zone. Kicking team players must line up with one foot on the B40 and can’t cross the 50-yard line until the ball touches down. What’s more, none of them can move until the kick lands or is touched by the receiving team.

Speaking of the receiving team, they’ll need at least 9 players in a 5-yard setup zone between the B35 and B30, with at least 7 on the B35 line. Returners have the freedom to move before or during the kick.

The landing zone, from the goal line to the 20-yard line, adds a new twist. Kicks falling short are out-of-bounds, while those in the zone must be returned. Missed kicks into the end zone can be downed or returned, with touchbacks shifting field positions. Fans can surely expect more action and strategy on kickoffs this season!


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With all things said and done, catch the exclusive scoop with Chris Gronkowski on the Dual Threat Show with BG12! You won’t want to miss this.