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Does the bond between NFL and NHL stars like Kittle and Forsberg inspire you? Share your thoughts!

“With hardship comes ease.” George Kittle and his wife, Claire Kittle, are often the most cheerful faces in the room, much evident from the Netflix docu-series Receiver. However, a heartbreaking experience earlier this year brought with it a tough phase for the power couple. But just a few months after “the greatest gift” turned into a heart-wrenching memory, the Kittles have a joyous responsibility to look forward to – being godparents!

On May 10, 2024, Kittle’s close friend Filip Forsberg and his wife Erin announced the birth of their son, Felix. Following the moment of unmatched happiness, the NHL player brought in the Kittles for the celebration, seizing the opportunity to turn an occasion that may have brought up sad memories for them and turning it into not just one they’ll remember but also cherish forever.

They were given their new title of godparents to Felix just a couple of months after he was born. On July 20, George and Claire Kittle shared celebratory photos on their Instagram stories. From the pictures, it was evident the couple went to meet their friends – Filip and Erin – and the newest addition to their family. Claire highlighted the special moment: “We had the greatest surprise of all from our best friends @erinalvey @forsbergfilip.” Revealing the surprise, the San Francisco 49ers tight end wrote, “New godparents alert!!!” His wife confirmed it, too!


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On her Instagram story, Claire wrote, “We were asked to be Felix’s godparents. I’m not okay yes yes yes sweet boy, we love you so much.” She also tagged her husband, gushing, there’s no better complement,” suggesting there wasn’t anyone else she’d rather do this with than her husband. George, too, re-shared this story, falling short of words. The pictures also included a couple of snaps of two-month-old Felix.

Taking on the duty of being a godfather quickly, George was already seen playing with the little boy. In his next story, Kittle was holding the newborn in the air, depicting the moment of warmth and comfort, something almost everyone would’ve been able to feel even through the screen. The backdrop perfectly summed up the child’s identity, as Forsberg’s No. 9 jersey for the Nashville Predators was framed on the wall.

Other than the honorable new title, the Forsberg couple gifted the TE and his wife their favorite tequila brand, Don Julio 1942. This is the same brand that George and Claire often drink during various moments of celebration. The stories and updates on their respective social media pages are a true testament to the bond the Forsbergs have with the Kittles.

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Does the bond between NFL and NHL stars like Kittle and Forsberg inspire you? Share your thoughts!

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It all started with Claire and Erin sharing a precious friendship, with George and Filip soon becoming close, too. As the TE has revealed, “It’s been really fun to be friends with someone in another sport. I think hockey is the hardest sport because I can’t skate to save my life. I don’t understand how they can move like they do. I have an appreciation for it, and being able to be a friend with one of the best hockey players in the NHL has been pretty cool for me.” You should watch clips of the Predators’ games that George Kittle has attended. Let’s just say he’s a very vocal fan who feels very strongly about any call or play that goes against his best bud on the ice.

That said, amidst all the challenges, this new beginning is emotional for the Kittle couple, especially just months after losing their unborn child.

Claire Kittle puts a brave face on post-heartbreaking Ectopic pregnancy

Claire opened up about a heartbreaking moment in her and George Kittle’s lives. After discovering she was pregnant on Christmas Day of 2023, the couple was overjoyed. They even shared their happiness with their family and posted pictures celebrating their news: “On Christmas morning, George and I took a pregnancy test while the rest of our family waited to open presents downstairs. We were about to see the greatest gift, a positive test.”


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In addition, the couple shared a touching moment with George holding Claire’s baby bump as they kissed in front of the Christmas tree. Unfortunately, their joy quickly turned to heartbreak. At a routine ultrasound a few weeks later, Claire learned the pregnancy was ectopic, a serious condition where a fertilized egg grows outside of the uterus. As Claire pointed out, “This type of pregnancy is extremely dangerous for the mother if not found early.”

Claire, who was expecting her first child, described the devastating moment she realized the gravity of the situation and the need for surgery to ensure her safety. Kittle’s wife said, “I felt my soul leave my body as I knew exactly what that meant.” This incident prompted her to encourage all mothers to take care of themselves, as “these types of things need to be talked about more often.”

USA Today via Reuters

She was also quick to mention how the incident was shared “to acknowledge something extremely personal, hard & emotional that has taken place in our life.” While battling the grief of losing their first child, the influencer did not forget to thank her support systems. “We leaned on each other like we never have before,” she said. “Im thankful my mom, dad and George’s parents were all here to help us.”


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While the couple has been trying to move past the challenging times, the new role of responsibility seems to have hit them like a breath of fresh air!