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Ranking all-time NBA players is a tough undertaking. Whether you are a fan, an analyst, or a player himself, the job requires careful consideration. More importantly, it requires the removal of biases. Otherwise, ridicule from all corners of the NBA is a guarantee. Still, Shaquille O’Neal gave the fruitless endeavor a try. And, lo and behold, you can guess what happened.

But, in a shocking twist, O’Neal was open to the criticism, openly admitting to his mistake.

Shaquille O’Neal catches flack for all-time list


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While NBA all-time lists are nothing new, criticizing them remains a staple for fans. Whenever an analyst pops up with a new list, everyone is eager, and ready, to jump at their throats. However, the energy remains the same, even when someone from that list makes their own.

That was the case with Shaq, who tried an exercise in futility. Giving out his list, he named all the usual candidates, calling them his “first team.” The names were the ones everyone expected: Magic Johnson, LeBron James, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan.

Further, he added himself to that group as the center for the lineup. He clarified his selections. “That ain’t no disrespect to Malone, [Charles] Barkley, and Kareem”. Speaking to the LA Times, he then confirmed the names in his second-string of all-time greats.

Coming off his bench would be Stephen Curry, Allen Iverson, Tim Duncan, Karl Malone, and Isaiah Thomas. The big man was extremely confident about the merits of his list. “You can quote me on that, “, he proclaimed.

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However, fans were quick to jump on the list, pointing out the lack of big men, especially legendary names like Bill Russell and Wilt Chamberlain. Understandably, Shaq relented, owning up to his mistake. When a fan called him out for leaving big men off the list, he replied, “dam i did im trippin.”

All of those conversations about all-time lists began after yet another list. This time around, it was the man who dominated both the ABA and the NBA pre and post-merger. The man credited with making the wing position cool: Julius Erving.

Julius Erving’s mention draws criticism from all-comers

Erving’s list understandably favored the older generations. Firstly, the list received backlash due to the exclusion of LeBron James. Further, another name that has firmly entered the discussion, Stephen Curry, was also left off.


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Instead, Dr. J had names like Jerry West and Elgin Baylor on the list. However, the interchange between Kobe Bryant and Nate “Tiny” Archibald was another shocker for NBA fans. Even Hawks star, Trae Young, could not hold back on critiquing the list.

While both lists received flack, Erving too justified his list. Compared to the atrocity of the legendary afro’s list, Shaq’s feels far more adequate and a mix of the old and the new.


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Maybe it’s time for the NBA to officially announce its own list, like its football compatriots.

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