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via Imago

The sixth-seeded Golden State Warriors are barely hanging on to their position in the Western Conference. With a 38-36 season record, the Warriors are in a relatively comfortable position in the West. However, things tend to change quickly in the league. As Stephen Curry’s Warriors make sure to stay in the midst, their leading scorer has been appointed another task.

The President of the United States has appointed the four-time NBA champion and his wife, Ayesha Curry, to the council on sports, fitness, and nutrition. This is after Ayesha not only helped Steph gain weight and muscle but lost drastic weight herself.

Stephen Curry joins the POTUS panel


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It was recently announced that President Joe Biden would be announcing the members to appoint to his council. Some notable names were former Philadelphia Phillies player Ryan Howard, Elana Meyers Taylor, Chloe Kim, and Chaunte Lowe, all Olympic medalists.

USA Today via Reuters

Golden State Warriors star Stephen Curry and Ayesha Curry too will be a part of this council; which is being led by Jose Andres, the celebrity chef. Even Elena Delle Donne, the Washington Mystics forward, will be a part of the council.

Read More – After Insane Physical Transformation, Wife Ayesha Reveals Stephen Curry Being a “Hindrance” in Tough Journey

The whole agenda of this council is to promote ample physical activity along with a healthy diet and eating habits for Americans. However, the panel will also serve the purpose of raising the profile of doctors, chefs, and athletes that are admired by presidents.

The fact that President Biden chose Stephen Curry and his wife Ayesha is a step in the right direction. Both of them are excellent examples of having a healthy diet and a fit, athletic body.

Curry felt like the Secret Service


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Stephen Curry has had a close relationship with the Presidents of the United States. Not to mention his four NBA championships have often led to the Warriors being invited to the White House.

Before President Biden, Curry had a long-standing relationship with the former President of the United States, Barack Obama. The two-time MVP also spent an awful amount of time with Barack Obama on the golf course.

Watch This Story – Stephen Curry’s diet, wife Ayesha’s twist to the same meal on every game day for the NBA superstar


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However, when he appeared on the Ellen Show along with Michelle Obama, Curry revealed that he was not supposed to disclose any information regarding their time on the course. Moreover, he admitted to having a feeling as if he belonged to the secret service.

What are your thoughts on the Currys being bestowed with this honor? Let us know in the comments.