
The controversial rapper Kanye West recently announced himself as a presidential candidate for the 2024 elections. Amid some controversies over the last few months, Ye has managed to attain a great deal of negative attention.

As per recent reports, West signed a document that stated he would meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss several issues, including the possible release of Brittney Griner on December 15. However, the meeting was canceled as BG was released on December 8.? Recently, Ye gave a detailed response on Griner weeks after his beef with Shaquille O’Neal.


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Renowned rappers Kanye West and WACK 100 recently made an appearance on Clubhouse. During the interview, Ye talked about his vision for America and the executive orders that the rapper would like to implement.?

Kanye West’s calculated take on Brittney Griner

West was asked about his intentions when he signed a document to meet with Putin concerning Brittney Griner‘s release. Ye spoke at length about the reason he planned to meet with Vladimir Putin. Surprisingly, he prepared a statement that he read during the interview.

READ MORE: ?We Have to Take the Win That We Can?: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Breaks Silence on Paul Whelan Saga After Brittney Griner?s Release

Kanye West stated,?“You know my position is that America should seek peace with all of our adversaries and free all American prisoners held abroad.”

Further, Ye continued, “I had no interaction with the Russian government. I didn’t accept any favors, no money, or any compensation. I signed the document for public distribution and planned to consult the State Department before the meeting.”

West claimed that he had a peaceful intention in being a part of a meeting with Putin. Moreover, Ye clarified that he did not meet with the Russian officials and took no compensation in any form. In addition, the renowned rapper suggested that he had signed the document for public distribution. West sounded off during the interview when he spoke about his meeting with Putin about Brittney Griner’s release.

Kanye West’s beef with Shaquille O’Neal

After his antisemitic tirades, Kanye West got involved in a beef with Lakers legend Shaquille O’Neal on Twitter. The four-time NBA champ called Kyrie Irving an ‘idiot’, after the Brooklyn Nets guard posted a link to a controversial movie on social media.

Moreover, West responded to Shaq’s comments about Irving on Twitter. Ye suggested Shaq was being tricked by Canadian billionaire Jamie Salter.?


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Meanwhile, Shaq’ replied to West’s suggestion by advising the rapper to get his own family business in order.?


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Watch this story:?White House expresses stern disapproval of Dennis Rodman after he disclosed Brittney Griner rescue plans from Russia

Kanye West continues to keep himself surrounded by controversies while aiming to leave a mark in the 2024 Presidential elections.