Michael Jordan‘s fondness for cigars is widely recognized, as the six-time champion is frequently captured smoking in various photographs. It appears that his son has also developed a passion for cigars, much like his superstar father. Recently, he expressed gratitude towards his parents for presenting him with a collection of premium cigars. These cigars were meticulously handcrafted by a distinguished family known for their exceptional craftsmanship.
Marcus Jordan seems to have inherited his father’s love for cigars, as he was spotted enjoying a selection of cigars during a vacation in Turks and Caicos. Marcus Jordan expressed his appreciation to his father for the thoughtful handcrafted gift.
Marcus Jordan expresses his thanks to MJ
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Marcus Jordan received a delightful surprise when his father, Michael Jordan, sent him a special gift. It was a box of meticulously handcrafted cigars made by the renowned Plasencia family, who have been in the cigar-making business since 1865. This family’s legacy in crafting cigars spans over a century, adding an extra touch of significance to the gift.
Marcus Jordan expressed his gratitude to his father with a heartfelt message, “Thank You, Dad,” as he shared a story on his Instagram. The cigars were elegantly presented in a premium black box with exquisite golden edges. As the children of one of the greatest athletes in history, the Jordan family seems to have inherited a fondness for cigars, continuing the tradition of being spotted enjoying them from time to time. It has been reported that Michael Jordan has invested a substantial amount of money in cigars since his retirement from professional basketball.
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MJ has spent a massive amount of money on cigars
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Michael Jordan, being a billionaire, enjoys the privileges that come with his financial status. It has been widely reported that since his retirement from professional basketball, Jordan has indulged in his love for cigars, spending well over half a million dollars on them. It is estimated that he smokes approximately six cigars per day, with each cigar costing between $14 and $24. By this calculation, he has likely expended at least $550,000 on his smoking habit. Despite the significant expense, it appears that MJ has no intention of giving up his enjoyment of high-quality cigars. It is intriguing to witness an athlete allocate such a considerable sum towards this particular indulgence.
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