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The release of The Last Dance a few years ago was a huge hit among basketball fans around the world. It reminded many about the superstardom and superhuman abilities of NBA legend Michael Jordan. Also, there were a lot of meme-worthy materials in the show as well. One such thing was Jordan saying “I took it personally”, and it blew up. The meme is still being used by fans on social media and even among friends and peers in real life. However, it was a very important moment that captured MJ’s mentality.

The six-time champion wanted to win no matter the cost because of his competitive fire. However, he needed fuel for the fire at times. And sometimes the fuel from others’ comments about him. While many lauded him for his mentality, over the years some have stated that he cannot really take criticism.

Stephen A. Smith about criticizing Michael Jordan


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Stephen A. Smith recently talked about the notion that Michael Jordan doesn’t take criticism too well during an interview with Radio personality Howard Stern. During the show, the host asked Stephen A. Smith about the difficulty of criticizing athletes who have become a friend over the years. He said that his relationship has not stopped him from commenting about a superstar. Smith then stated Jordan can take criticism but he won’t be happy if one blindsides him.

“Michael Jordan is one of these things, there’s a misnomer about him,” he told Stern. “People get on him because they think that he can’t take criticism, that is not true. Michael Jordan will cuss me out or somebody else out quicker than you can say your name, if you blindside him.”

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Smith added MJ would not have any problem if one explains their criticism of him and give him a chance to explain himself. However, that cannot always be the case when it comes to criticism in the sports world. Especially before social media, most athletes did not get the opportunity to explain themselves about a particular comment from a critique. Even though that has changed a bit with social media, athletes can’t reply to every comment or criticism.


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Charles Barkley’s criticism of Jordan did not end well

Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley were close friends during their playing careers. The superstar duo spent a lot of time off the basketball court. However, things changed after Barkley’s criticism of Jordan’s ownership of the Charlotte Hornets.

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The Philadelphia 76ers commented that MJ has to surround himself with better people in the franchise. This did not sit well with the Chicago Bulls legend and the two are not on speaking terms anymore. Even though Barkley was heartbroken with the end of their friendship, he stated that he was just doing his job as an analyst and he would continue to do that.

Do you agree with Stephen A. Smith’s comments about Michael Jordan? Let us know in the comments below.