
WNBA Star Brittney Griner and her arrest in Russia have caused a lot of controversy in the United States. While a majority of them want Griner back home, there are a few who have supported Russia’s actions. But there can be only one who has used the ongoing saga to get out of jury duty. And that none other than American rapper JID.

Griner was detained on February 17th, 2022 for having vape cartridges that had hashish oil in them. She was subsequently arrested and put on trial on charges of smuggling illegal substances. Griner later admitted she was guilty, but she said that it was an honest mistake and hoped the court showed her mercy. However, the prosecutors were in no mood for any leeway, and the Russian courts agreed. And now, they have sentenced Griner to nine years in prison.


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Ever since that, the support for Griner has gone through the roof. Celebrities, athletes, politicians, and fans have called for her release and have pressed the United States government to take action. But rapper JID went in a different direction in his support of Brittney Griner.

JID got dismissed from jury duty by supporting Brittney Griner

It’s a common notion in the United States that some people don’t like jury duty. And so, they do various things which result in them getting out of it. But no one could have thought what JID would do, to get himself dismissed from jury duty.

READ MORE: ?She Cannot Protect Herself?: Brittney Griner, Who Has Lived in Russia for Years, in Grave Danger Due to American Origin


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JID explains how he got out of it by using Griner’s name. He said, “lol they got me in Jury duty like I?m not fina go Dr. Umar on they stupid ahh. So Boom This lawyer ni*** asked me a question, I didn?t even answer it,. I just said ?The whole DOJ is corrupt. Free Brittany Griner.? I was dismissed seconds later. The End.?

WATCH THIS STORY: Stern reality check from US Govt forces Dennis Rodman to go back on his words about WNBA star Brittney Griner


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There have been some wild stunts done in the past, but this has got to be one of the novelist stunts ever pulled. The DOJ has had very little to say in Griner’s case and they released JID, who was violating the terms of being a juror. JID did make his support known for Brittney Griner and he eventually got what he wanted.

What is your take on JID’s way of supporting the WNBA superstar? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.