

Can Robb Taylor's coaching genius lead USA Men's Basketball to Paralympic glory in Paris?

For some, Onward and Upward is just a string of 3 words which sounds inspiring. While some live true to what it stands for. A classic example – the Team USA Paralympic men’s wheelchair basketball team, who have already bagged (brace yourself) two straight Paralympic Gold medals at the 2016 Rio Games and 2020 Tokyo Olympics and came off Gold medals at the 2022 Americas Cup, 2023 World Championship and 2023 Parapan American Games. We need a quick breather.

As if that were not enough, they are all headed to clinch the glory of becoming the first team in Paralympic history to win 3 consecutive Gold medals in the sport. The man at the helm is an Auburn University coach, Robb Taylor, who flies to Paris to turn this dream into a living reality which begins as his men lock horns with Spain in their first match on August 29. It’s history in the making as we speak!

Sitting high on a heap of expectations, the Auburn Coach knows he has his task cut out! “It is big shoes to fill,” said Robb Taylor, referring to the legendary former head coach Ron Lykins. “There is a big target on our back having recently won back-to-back [Paralympic] gold medals in Rio and Tokyo, so there are high expectations for our team and for our program. So, I’m excited to take that on.”

He has previously coached at three Paralympic Games before this and was made the head coach of Team USA’s men’s wheelchair basketball back in January 2022. “We know going in that things are going to be tough and things are going to be difficult and we’re looking forward to that challenge,” he added. That leads one to probe deeper into the life of this coaching star who doesn’t bask in the spotlight for long and prefers to play his strategic mind game from the sidelines.

Robb Taylor: The Auburn Star leading his men to historic greatness down the Golden Brick Road!

With a deep-rooted love for adaptive sports and a strong passion for granting it the much-needed inclusive space, Taylor was first introduced to wheelchair basketball by his uncle, who was diagnosed with polio. Having joined the Auburn community and holding the coaching reins in 2016, he has established a niche for minting high-caliber athletes exuding self-confidence. Before his stint as Team USA’s head coach, while still with the Auburn community, Robb Taylor had a dream. He wanted the athletes he had trained since they were school-going kids to make it to the bigger national court. And his astute leadership qualities did pay off.

A quarter of Team USA, which is all geared up to defend its Tokyo Gold, is made up of Auburn kids! “That’s really the first time we’ve been represented from an athlete standpoint on a national stage with these student-athletes,” Robb Taylor shared his joy with The Newsroom.

It speaks volumes to what they’ve been able to do here at Auburn and how they’ve been able to train and push themselves.”

Interestingly, Robb did not have coaching in mind as a viable career option right from the beginning. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Sports and Tourism from the University of Illinois and a MEd from the University of Missouri, he worked as a Financial Data Consultant at Dun and Bradstreet for 2 years during which he was awarded the company Star Award in 2002 for being one of the top 3 sales associates within the department.

After his brief stint with World Ice Management as a Rink Manager, he decided to reorient his career tangent towards the passion he had always wanted to pursue. The love of his life- the hoop and ball game welcomed him with open arms.

As an assistant coach to the women’s Paralympic basketball team, Robb Taylor went ahead to show his coaching versatility. Under his mentorship, the team bagged several laurels, namely 4 Gold medals, including the 2008 Paralympic Gold Medal at the Beijing Games, 1 silver medal, and 1 bronze medal. An enviable collection for sure!

To finish it with a flourish, the team was named the Paralympic Team of the Month for July 2008 by the United States Olympic Committee as a result of going undefeated and winning two pre-Paralympic tournaments.

With Paris beckoning Team USA to prove its mettle yet again in the wheelchair basketball arena, which is one of their strongest fortes, Robb Taylor’s men are ready to take charge. The Auburn coaching star would be looking forward to taking his men down the historic golden path for the third time in a row! Celebrations await!

Feel that you can do with another update from the sport of basketball? Then do check out this recent interview with the up-and-coming Georgia Lady Bulldogs star Asia Avinger.