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Stephen Curry's tips are life-changing—Is Klay Thompson's advice overrated?

Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry, the Splash Brothers, are legendary for their shooting prowess, especially from deep. Klay’s all about those lethal catch-and-shoot threes, while Curry brings versatility and range to the table. You’d think they’d have some deep, profound insights on shooting, right?

When ex-Laker Nigel Hayes-Davis asked them for shooting tips, the contrast in their responses was wild. Curry went deep with a detailed hour-and-a-half breakdown. “Last day of my time with the team in London, I sat down with Steph for like hour and a half, two hours after the game versus maybe Germany. He was kind and generous enough to sit there with me and I asked every question that I had, that I could think of and he wrote down everything for me. So, I have this in my notepad. It’s one of my now most prized possessions of the secrets of the mountaintop.” Nigel said.

While Klay’s answer was short, and left Hayes-Davis in awe. “I don’t know bro. I don’t think. If I can catch the ball and shoot it, I shoot it.” Klay told Hayes. This response blew the 29-year-old away because, while Curry dropped some life-changing knowledge with detailed notes that Hayes-Davis now calls one of his “most prized possessions,” Klay’s reply was straight-up simple and didn’t pack the same punch. It’s wild how these two legends have such different vibes when sharing their game wisdom, each showing off their own unique way of doing things.


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Some fans might say Klay’s no-nonsense, low-key vibe has played a part in his recent struggles, especially post-injury. But can we really pin it on that? Klay’s not exactly known for his pep talks or being all emotional—he’s more about the quiet confidence, with just the occasional fist pump or grin. So, Hayes-Davis should’ve probably seen Klay’s straight-up response coming.

“Very shy, reserved, introverted by nature.”-Craig DeBusk on Klay Thompson

Klay Thompson is a breath of fresh air in the NBA, where most superstars seem almost like gods. Unlike those larger-than-life players, Klay comes off as genuinely relatable. His quirks and everyday flaws make him feel like a real, down-to-earth dude, standing out in a league full of flashy personalities.


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Klay’s always been this way, even back in high school. “There were not too many words you were going to get out of Klay Thompson,” said Craig DeBusk, an assistant coach on Thompson’s high school team. “Very shy, reserved, introverted by nature.”

When Hayes-Davis asked for advice, some might’ve thought Klay was being secretive or playing it close to the chest, but honestly, Klay’s just not into giving grand speeches. He’s all about that no-nonsense, straight-shooter vibe, whether he’s on the court or chatting with the media. Just check out his post-game chat after taking down the Kings—it’s obvious he’s all about the action, not the talk.

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Stephen Curry's tips are life-changing—Is Klay Thompson's advice overrated?

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Klay Thompson isn’t into the whole spotlight thing or being the main guy on the court. He’s all about draining threes, playing solid D, and then kicking back with his dog at home. For him, it’s all about ballin’ and enjoying the simple stuff, staying real and low-key. What are your thoughts on him?