
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

In a stunning turn of events, the Los Angeles Clippers point guard recently took the NBA world by storm. He directed a barrage of criticism toward his former teammate at the Los Angeles Lakers. His candid remarks have raised eyebrows and sparked debates among fans and analysts to wonder if there is any merit to his claims.

On his Podcast, while praising the defensive prowess of Draymond Green, he might have taken a subliminal shot at his former 6’10 Lakers Guard.

Why did he leave the Lakers?


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The 3x NBA All-Defensive Team member, Patrick Beverley, spoke a lot about the defensive players in the NBA currently.

USA Today via Reuters

While addressing the topic, he may have taken a slight dig at his former teammate. Beverley said his tenure with the Lakers was filled with disappointment and frustration. And it appears he is not holding back on expressing his grievances. In a recent episode of his podcast, Beverley opened up about feeling disrespected during his time in Los Angeles, as he believed his valuable suggestions to improve the team were ignored.

While some critics have questioned Patrick Beverley’s outspoken nature and punditry endeavors, there’s no denying his prowess as an NBA-level defensive player. His tenacious on-court presence and ability to disrupt opponents’ plays have earned him respect among peers and analysts. In his podcast, he had Draymond Green as his guest and when they were talking about the defensive strategies used today, he said to Green, “He Not Rudy Gobert Whooping Anthony Davis.

Does Patrick Beverley have a beef with Davis?

While leaving the Lakers, Beverley made claims in his podcast referencing to Lakers’ star forward, Anthony Davis. “You gotta go through the first year coach, the LeBron, the AD, the Russ, then it gets to me. You don’t hear my s- the way you should hear my s**t,” Beverley stated, indicating that his voice and suggestions were not given the attention they deserved, even when it came to critical decisions on defense. Due to this incident, it is rumored that Beverley has some bad blood against Davis.


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Read More: Patrick Beverley on Why “Flabby” and “No Muscle” Luka Doncic Is Tough to Guard: “ He’s Physical as F–K and Flops at the Same Time”

And during his recent episode with Draymond Green, he praised him by saying, “The worst defense to be in is a drop, and this m***er****er(Green)has mastered the defense drop.” He further added by saying, “Usually people at the drop wrong are 7ft and above, but Dray does it.” Then he made the controversial statement which has caused controversy, “Guys don’t even come off pick and roll, He Not Rudy Gobert Whooping Anthony Davis.”  


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In the world of professional sports, opinions, and controversies are par for the course, but Patrick Beverley’s supposed criticism of the Lakers star has started a fiery discussion. One thing is for sure, Patrick Beverley’s outspoken nature has brought a new layer of drama to the league, leaving fans and critics alike eager to witness how the narrative unfolds.

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