
Draymond Green is a notable figure in the shiny world of NBA where some dollars lost outweigh on-field feats. In fact, he has racked up $2,233,780 in fines during his career. However, everyone still shows him respect and admires him, especially those who know the complex nature of this sport. One of these fans is a four-time NBA champion, who just revealed uncensored opinions on the inevitable result of the legendary “Enforcer” on the basketball sphere.

John Salley admires Draymond Green

In a recent segment on The Undisputed Show, John Salley talked about how important Draymond Green is for every team. Salley confirmed that “Green” will change everything in relation to the unquantifiable qualities that stats are not able to capture. A typical enforcer’s position involves scoring points and collecting rebounds, but this is not sufficient for Green.  Salley said in his show, “Draymond needs to be on every Squad and I tell you this those guys have to realize that they have an enforcer and if that enforcer wasn’t there we would not be talking about the Golden State Warriors he is the energy of that Team”.

Without any doubt, Salley immediately said that he would like to play with Draymond Green who knows very well his strengths and weaknesses and above all, how important his role is in the team.

Green’s sense of self and ability to play within his limits gives the Golden State Warriors an advantage that is more than just a statistic. Even though Green experiences financial hardship on this journey, he finds true love from a four-time NBA champion who supports the fact that in basketball’s big picture, intangibles mostly trump tangible losses.

Stephen Curry’s Insightful Counsel to Draymond Green

After putting up an intense fight and eventually losing 124-123 to the Sacramento Kings, the Golden State Warriors had not only to contend with the scoreboard but also some implications of Draymond Green’s recent five-game suspension. The suspension came about as a result of an intense on-court altercation where Green used a chokehold on Rudy Gobert in a game against the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Read More: “Know Where the Limit is”: Stephen Curry Humbles “Fiery” Draymond Green After Referee’s “Dumb” Call in Kings Thriller

In the midst of chaos, Stephen Curry, the backbone of the Warriors’ prosperity, provided his teammate with wise advice. Curry’s phrase had a combination of solidarity and tactical advice that meant that Green should remain fervent and competitive, but turn aside other distractions that would come from outside. Green’s controversial incident caused a lot of noise and distraction, but the Warriors’ star emphasized the team should keep in mind that every move they make is towards playing basketball well.

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As a captain who always looks to strengthen the team’s morale amidst challenges, Curry’s counsel offers a rare insight into the Warriors’ locker room’s dynamics. The message by Curry shows how much the team depends on Green not only as a player but also as a leader who has defended his teammates during 12 seasons with the Warriors.