
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

NBA fans and viewers were subjected to an encyclopedic disclosure of Stephen Curry and his basketball career when the much-anticipated documentary “Underrated” premiered. The film explores Curry’s multifaceted personality, showcasing him not only as a renowned basketball player but also as a devoted husband, loving father, serious student, and dependable friend.

Recently, Stephen Curry’s mother Sonya Curry expressed her enthusiasm and anticipation for the new documentary.

Stephen Curry’s mother shares her excitement before watching Underrated


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In a recent interview, Sonya Curry shared her excitement for the documentary that portrays her lived experiences. When asked how it feels to see her life reflected on film and relive those experiences in real-time, Sonya expressed her eagerness to watch the documentary.

Eager to experience the film for the first time, she expressed her enthusiasm, eagerly anticipating the opportunity to witness her son’s journey unfold on the big screen. The emotion and authenticity portrayed in the documentary are sure to strike a chord with both die-hard fans and objective audience.

Sonya humorously admitted that she might be emotional while watching it. She also stated that she’ll probably be “boohooing” throughout the entire film.

“I’m really anxious to see it,” she said, “because I haven’t had the opportunity to really see any clip, and anything yet. I just want to go in. I’m going to go in raw, I’m going to go in pure and I’m going to watch it. And probably boohoo for the whole time.” 

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Her candid response has sparked curiosity among fans, who are now eager to witness the documentary.

What can fans expect from the documentary?

“Underrated” is a riveting coming-of-age documentary that follows Golden State Warriors star guard’s incredible journey. It explores how this diminutive basketball player, who previously attended a minor college, defied all odds to become a larger-than-life NBA sensation.


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Beyond his skills on the court, “Underrated” gives audiences a close-up perspective of the complex player. Someone who created the basketball craze around the world.

As the narrative unfolds, audiences will gain a deeper appreciation for the person and the player who defied the odds to achieve greatness.


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In Underrated, mother Sonya Curry reveals some greater insights on what took for her son to be great at his craft.