Dale Earnhardt Jr is known to have faced his fair share of challenges throughout his illustrious NASCAR career! From high-speed crashes to battling the fierce competition on the tracks, he’s made quite the image amongst fans and insiders alike! However, his latest battle was against a much smaller, yet equally formidable, enemy that supposedly invaded his home and attacked him in broad daylight. Spoiler alert: Wasps!

In a conversation with his wife, Amy Earnhardt, Dale Jr on his podcast ‘Dale Jr Download,’ he recounted the rather comical incident of him almost getting stung by a swarm of wasps, leaving her and co-hosts TJ Majors and Dalton Greco in splits. As Dale explained the details of his encounter with the angry insects, it became clear that this was no ordinary wasp attack.

“You got stung again?” Amy Earnhardt exclaimed as the conversation on his podcast took a turn to discuss the veteran driver’s recent obstacles and stories from within his home. To which Dale Jr explained that it wasn’t his fault, he was just outside near the pool to check the heating, only to pull back the covers and discover no less than 25 wasps under it!


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In a moment of panic, the only reasonable option left for the driver was to run away and swat the air multiple times before he got back to the house in one piece. Thankfully, he wasn’t stung by any of the insects, but Amy claims that she’s regretful for not being there to witness this play out. “I missed that and I was so mad.” She went as far as to say that she wanted to get an IT engineer to check their home security cameras in hopes of getting hold of her husband running away in fear!



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But this isn’t the first time that Dale Earnhardt Jr has been the target of a wasp attack. It seems that there has been another incident of a similar nature, but he didn’t get away in time before they unleashed their wrath on him!

Dale Earnhardt Jr has a new enemy post-NASCAR

Just a year ago, the veteran driver had a similar experience while trying to remove a wasp nest from his children’s playhouse. This time, however, the stakes were higher, and the outcome was even more comical! Maybe not for him, but for his wife and kids, who stood at a safe distance and watched him get stung by the wasps.


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While his latest encounter left him untouched, the last time might have been the mistakes he learned painfully from. “I got stung by a wasp on my nose… There was a wasps nest in the kids play set. So I get up there and I bump that wasp nest and I take off running. I’m about 20 feet away from this play set, well clear and dude it was like slow motion,” he said, justifying his actions that were deemed useless. Recalling the incident he says that he could feel the flag of their wings gently against his skin and no matter how fast he ran, they caught up to him.

In the end, these stories just show that even the greatest champions have their moments of panic and that laughter can be found in the most unexpected places. Whether it’s racing against the clock or fleeing from a swarm of wasps, Dale Earnhardt Jr continues to embrace life’s challenges with a smile, proving that sometimes the best stories come from the most chaotic moments.