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Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Guinness—A match made in heaven or a total miss?

The veteran driver and podcaster, Dale Earnhardt Jr, recently embarked on an adventure to Ireland, and it seems he found more than just scenic views and historic pubs—he discovered the magic of their most beloved beverage – Guinness, while revealing his thoughts about it in a lively review on his podcast ‘Dale Jr Download’! Known as a beer enthusiast in the NASCAR world, let’s see what Dale JR said about this Irish treat!

Talking about his first experience sipping the iconic Irish stout, he says it was surprisingly delightful! At first, he anticipated that Guinness would be as dense as motor oil. However, he was astonished to discover that it was actually light and refreshing, surpassing all his expectations. “It’s kinda light, and it doesn’t taste bad at all,” Dale Jr. said, assuming the drink would be rather filling. But it turns out that wasn’t the case for this veteran driver.


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Interestingly, he also learned that Guinness was prone to make one really gassy! Something that he had to learn the hard way as his friend, who accompanied him, Tim Dugger, mentioned it a little belatedly. This came up as a conversation with his wife Amy Earnhardt at the airport, “We were at the airport in Charlotte, getting our bags, and Amy says, ‘I smell somebody’s bottom, I’m like, ‘Amy, I am literally farting every 30 seconds.’ And she’s like, ‘What? How long that has been going on?’ I’m like, ‘4 days,'” Dale Jr said in a rather pleasant exchange.

During their stay in Ireland, Dugger mentioned he was a little surprised that the driver didn’t go for Coors, a light beer that Dale Jr. mentioned to be one of his preferences. But, he wasn’t even aware that the beer would be available at the pub they visited! But it doesn’t seem like he’s too disappointed by his choices if his review of Guinness is anything to go by.

So there you have it. Dale Earnhardt Jr is now a fan of the popular Guinness beer and would probably rate it a solid 10 if he could, maybe a nine for the unexpected stomach trouble that came with it. Overall, his trip to Ireland proved to be filled with exciting discoveries and they’ve left with some well-earned respect for their alcohol tolerance by the locals!

 Dale Earnhardt Jr. earns Irish respect in the pub

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Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Guinness—A match made in heaven or a total miss?

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As Dale Jr. recounted, while exploring the cuisines and eateries of Ireland, they had initially intended to bar-hop their way through the day. However, it seems the driver, and the group decided to settle at one particular bar and spend the rest of the day there instead! “Bar hopping can take a little bit out of you and sometimes you get to the second or third bar and you’re like ‘You know what? Damn, kind of like the first one better,’” he said while describing what led to the change in plans.


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He said they settled there for lunch but stayed for another six to seven hours till dinner before they eventually left. He even changed tables at one point, which Dale Earnhardt Jr claims is basically the same as going to a whole new pub.

And by the end of it all, they had a story to tell that would make any Irishman proud. A sense of accomplishment marked the duo’s time in the pub, especially when the bartender complimented their ability to hold their drinks after several hours.


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“When we closed out the bartender’s like, ‘I’m really impressed’, he’s like, ‘I’m surprised, y’all can stand!’… So I feel like if the Irish compliment your drinking, you’ve done good!” Dale Jr. quipped, making it clear that the atmosphere was just as intoxicating as the beer, itself.

So if you ever find yourself in Ireland, and you run into a couple of American guys who can drink their weight in beer and still stand on two feet, there’s a good chance it’s Dale Earnhardt Jr. and his pal Tim Dugger. They may not be professional drinkers, but they sure know how to make the most of a pub crawl!