
After becoming the cover girl of the 2015 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, Hannah Davis shot to the heights of her popularity. The American model, while also being Derek Jeter’s wife, is mainly popular for her modeling gigs. However, she once made an appearance in an iconic 2015 movie, the same year she got engaged to the then-New York Yankees captain Derek Jeter.

In the directorial debut of Jonathan Goldstein, starring the $25 million worth Ed Helms of The Office, Hannah Davis made an appearance as the “Girl in the red Ferrari” in a movie named Vacation. However, as fancy as it sounds, her character’s ending was not that pleasing.

Hannah Davis crashes a red Ferrari due to a distraction from The Office actor


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In the video featuring Russell “Rusty” Griswold (played by Ed Helms), along with his wife and kids, who have all fallen asleep, Hannah Davis arrives in a parallel lane, driving a fancy red Ferrari.

She immediately starts flirting with Rusty, in an attempt to seduce him while being in parallel lanes. However, she forgets to look at the road and ends up meeting a strange but excessively humorous and sad fate.

Read More: “We Rarely Went Anywhere”- Hannah Jeter Once Revealed Why She and Derek Jeter Were Forced to Keep Their Personal Lives Under Wraps

After forgetting to look at the road, Hannah Davis eventually drives into the wrong lane. And ended up getting run over by a semi-trailer truck, leaving Rusty in surprise.

When did Derek Jeter and Hannah Davis marry?


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Derek Jeter and Hannah Davis’ love story is one for the ages. The former shortstop and captain of the New York Yankees, and the American model, began dating in 2012. And their undeniable connection was clear from the very beginning. They announced their engagement in 2015 and tied the knot at a private ceremony surrounded by close friends and family in 2016.

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The couple welcomed their first child, a daughter, in 2018. Today, they are parents of three daughters, River, Story, and Bella. Despite the fame and success, they have been able to maintain a stable relationship, built on trust, mutual respect, and adoration. They are an inspiration to many, showing that true love can conquer all obstacles and stand the test of time.


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WATCH THIS STORY: Derek Jeter Net Worth: How rich is the MLB legend compared to Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and Stephen Curry

Their love story is not just a fairy tale, it’s a real-life romance that continues to blossom to this day. What do you think about it? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!