
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

In the dark sky of the Jordan Montgomery free agency, there could be a Lone Star rising quickly. The offseason of Montgomery and Texas Rangers has been a stark contrast. While Monty started it with a bang, Rangers had a tough time making any deals. Now the roles are beginning to reverse as Monty’s huge list of suitors hasn’t resulted in a deal and the Rangers have finally become active. Is there a crossroads in this journey?

From lack of clarity regarding their revenue to the high contracts trapping them, the Rangers have faced an array of issues this offseason. Despite being the World Series winners, there is a clear weakness in their squad – ‘the pitching staff’. While Monty still looks like the best solution available, the Lone Stars have gone ahead with another player in their bullpen. Against the usual grain, it has ignited optimism regarding the Monty connection.

Texas Rangers sign ex-Mets pitcher in a bid to improve their bullpen


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Reports have emerged that the Rangers have signed David Robertson, the 38-year-old former Mets pitcher, to a one-year $11-12 million deal. This comes on the backdrop of a huge number of minor league signings that the Rangers have made. While Robertson has improved their bullpen, this also seems to aggravate the chances of a Montgomery-Rangers reunion. 

Unlike other Scott Boras clients, Jordan Montgomery has been linked with several teams, but the Rangers have remained favorites. Yet there were doubts about this potential link because of a variety of reasons. The first was the Rangers’ apparent inability to make a big signing until their confusion regarding the Media rights was solved. Second was the upcoming return of their ace Jacob DeGrom, which strengthened their lineup.

But luckily for them, Monty’s free agency stretched itself out. As ESPN’s Jeff Passan shared, Montgomery’s free agency could stretch till February. Until then, there could be clarity in the Rangers’ financial situation, which can enable them to compete with their primary competitor for Monty – the Boston Red Sox.

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So increasing hopes regarding this connection don’t seem haphazard. Yet there’s still a lot more to unpack here – namely the position of the Red Sox.

Could the Boston Red Sox play spoilsport?

Despite the Red Sox not wanting to spend big, they have remained firm in their Jordan Montgomery pursuit. The clear lack of lefties in their rotation plus an urgent need to improve after consecutive last-place finishes in the AL East makes signing Monty a must. Simultaneously, the current Boston residence of the pitcher would certainly make the Red Sox a convenient option.


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The one advantage that the Rangers have over the Red Sox is that Monty already knows how they work. Above all, he has excelled in that environment and that could be the ace that seals the deal for the Lone Stars.

Read more: MLB Rumors: Jordan Montgomery to Red Sox? Wife’s Post-Harvard Career in Boston Attracts Lefty Ace