
Alex Rodriguez, the New York Yankees’ 14X All Star, has a passionately unmatched fan base. During his reign, his performance got him laurels and praises that his fans admire him for. However, for this very reason, it also drew some glares of dislike from other teams especially their ach-rivals, Boston Red Sox.?

The ongoing love and hate between rival teams is common. However, in the case of A-Rod, fans enter a different ball game altogether. In a recent episode of the Pro Athlete Turned Investor – Robert Kiyosaki, Kim Kiyosaki, the 2009 World Series Champion reacts to hate from a Bosox fan.?

Alex Rodriguez Handles Hate Comments Calmly


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On the talk show, while introducing pro-athlete-turned-investor, Robert Kiyosaki narrated a story. There was a friend from Dallas, a hardcore Boston’s fan, who got to know that Alex Rodriguez would be in talks with Robert. With no bout of hesitation he said, ?I hate the guy?.?

Though a funny preface to an informative conversation it spoke volumes of the intense hate that exists between Yankees and Red Sox fans even today. Alex Rodriguez, calling it incredible said, “That’s what makes sports so great“.?

Talking about sports and fans, he added that there’s nothing that people bond over more than sport and music. Robert?s little anecdote was the perfect example of that, A-Rod explained maturely, not forgetting that he almost joined arch-rival Boston Red Sox.?


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A-Rod Almost Got Traded To Boston Red Sox

Rewinding to 2003 there were speculations that former Yankee would be traded to Boston Red Sox from Texas Rangers. Rodriguez who signed a $252 million contract over ten years was a huge chunk of the Rangers’ payroll budget that limited them from acquiring newer talents. This budgetary constraint sprung up talks of trading one of the highest paid players of the time, Rodriguez to Boston Red Sox while he was also ready to take a voluntary reduction in salary.?

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But the MLB Players Association rejected the proposal of him taking a pay cut. This resulted in him getting traded to the New York Yankees where he played for most of his career. His association with the New York Yankees is history and that’s what one remembers A-Rod for.?

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