
Bad times are an integral part of one’s life. Even legends are no exception, and who knows it better than the former Yankees Captain? While almost every hitter has suffered from difficulties sometimes in their baseball career, Jeter’s was one of the most discussed ones. As of that time, while the legend was depressed with his situation, his friend-cum-teammate Alex Rodriguez avoided all the disputes and prioritized companionship.

The disputes between A-Rod and Derek Jeter broke the most glorious friendship in MLB history. Though it never returned to the previous state, these legends have played together for a long time. In 2004, the former even backed the latter up during challenges, calling him a “hitting machine“.

Alex Rodriguez Kept Rivalry Aside to Back Derek Jeter


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The ebb and flow of life’s fortunes follow a natural order, affecting even legendary individuals. Since hitting slump is a common condition in almost every sport, the former Yankees captain couldn’t avoid it. During his peak time, Jeter was hit by a batting slump. It continued for almost 10 days, and the legend couldn’t get a hit in his 32 at-bats. While he was drowning in remorse, A-Rod unexpectedly stood for his teammate after four years of their severe clash.

The third baseman of the team said, “We feed off his energy, without a doubt.” Further continuing his point, the 2009 World Series Champion said, “He’s a hitting machine. A lot of good things happen when he gets going. He’s the heartbeat of this team.” After their 2001 friendship crack, it was entirely surprising. But it showed his sportsmanship and respect for his teammates. Despite the feud, he didn’t take the chance to underestimate Jeter’s potential.

A-Rod’s 2001 comment caused a rift between the two legends before he joined the Yankees. When the 14x All-Star got the record-breaking $252M offer from Texas Rangers, he didn’t name Jeter, who could break the record. Instead his highlighting of Jeter’s defensive skills and less powerful hitting, offended Captain Clutch, leading their iconic friendship to an end.

However, it might seem surprising, but probably A-Rod understood the mental condition of Jeter better, as he had suffered the same slump in 2002.

Per Alex Rodriguez “Slumps are powerful things


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Hitting slumps in baseball are hard to cope with. Probably Rodriguez knew it better than anyone else because he suffered the same in 2002 with the Texas Rangers. He had scored 0 for 21 at-bats. Though it was less stretched, he still knew the troubles. The 3x All-MVP himself once claimed, “Slumps are powerful things.”

From his experience, the former third-baseman shared the frustration and desperation players got when suffering from slump. He revealed, “I’ve heard of guys telling the catcher, ‘Just tell me what pitch is coming because there’s no way I’m getting a hit right now and I don’t want to punch out again. Just let me put one ball in play.'” 

Read More: 2 Years Before Getting Married to Derek Jeter, Hannah Jeter Opened Up About an ‘Unforgettable’ Night That Exposed Her to an Unknown Side of Yankees Legend


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Despite their controversies and disputes, A-Rod’s warm support to his fellow shortstop set a mark on the MLB history that is even remembered years after their retirements.

Watch the Story: Every New York Yankees record broken by MLB icon Derek Jeter