
A great player makes a great team but great bonds create memories of a lifetime. Similarly, Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada, two Yankee greats, two best friends, and among the biggest Yankee stars of all time, made their debut in 1995. Since then, they only got closer and their relationship was something to admire.

Derek Jeter and Jorge Posada both made their debut in 1995. The two best friends continued to spend their entire MLB career with the NY Yankees and won four World Championships together. As their career progressed, they became even closer friends. Posada retired before Jeter in 2011. Following his retirement in 2012, the Yanks retired Posada’s jersey number 20 and added his name to Monument Park.


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Derek Jeter recalls his wonderful friendship with Jorge Posada

On Posada’s jersey retirement day, ex-captain of the Yanks, Derek Jeter reflects upon his friendship with Jorge Posada. In an interview with Yes Network, he talks about Posada’s retirement, the Core Fore, playing under manager Posada, switching positions, and his upcoming second innings. Jeter says, “I know he put a lot of work in all these years and he’s ready to move on the next step of his life.”

When Jeter was asked whether he tried to change Posada’s mind, he said, “I think when you’re talking about someone making a decision like this on their future, I think there’s probably enough people that are in their ear and you know it’s a decision he needs to make with his family. I’m there to support them and whatever decision he makes. I wish him all the best.” Jeter continued to talk about why Posada and he got along. He said, “He cared about winning I think, that’s the biggest thing. That’s the only thing he cared about. You (Posada) didn’t care about personal accolades or anything like that.”

READ MORE: “How’re You Doin’, Biatches?” – The Captain Derek Jeter Used to Off-Handedly Greet the Batboys and Attendants With This Sassy Remark

Finally, Jeter concluded by saying, “Yeah, I mean, you know, with Jorge’s, you really don’t see one of us without the other. And, you know you obviously gonna miss him on the field but for me, personally selfish selfish reasons I’d love for him to be here you know. Maybe he can just come hang out during the season because he was the guy I was with all the time. But hey, you move on. It’s a sad day but yet again, its the day that should be celebrated.”


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The Yankees’ Core Four

The New York Yankees are the most successful Major League franchise across four different sports in North America. However, a team or franchise is nothing without its players. Similarly, over the years, the Yanks have housed some of the greatest baseball players of all time who made the NY Yankees their home. Correspondingly, the Yankees were home to baseball greats Derek Jeter, Mariano Rivera, Andy Pettitte, and Jorge Posada who collectively called themselves the Core Four.


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The 4 superstars closely contributed to the Yankees’ success in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Their presence and performance also carried the Yankees to 5 World Series Victories during that time. Do you miss the Core Four?