
The story of Dennis Kasumba has long held the attention of baseball fans. A young kid from Uganda went viral when his sister started posting about his unique ways of working out. Just four years ago, Kasumba was trying to cobble together enough money to survive. But one of the benefits of living in the 21st century is the power of the internet. Having developed an interest in baseball, the Ugandan needed a proper training regime. But being an orphan growing up in extreme poverty, he couldn’t exactly afford the gym.

So he created his own methods of working out using unconventional items like bricks and tires. Then he caught the attention of Ben Verlander, former MLB player and current analyst for ESPN. With the help of attorney Joshua White, Verlander tried to get him to the MLB Draft League so Kasumba could get proper training in baseball. The road was full of bumps but the destination finally seems to be in sight.

Uganda’s American Embassy approves Dennis Kasumba’s visa


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The 18-year-old lives with his grandmother and siblings in Uganda, but since he’s an orphan, Kasumba had trouble getting a visa approved. The US Embassy in Uganda stated that Kasumba may not have strong enough ties to bring him back to his country. After numerous appeals to them as well as posting about the situation on social media finally seems to have done some good.

While Kasumba had people on his side, working for his cause, the internet also lent him its support. In a recent tweet, he wrote, “To all my friends,supporters,family and followers.L would like tell you that at last we have made it. My visa has been approved. It has been a great journey full of up and down.But first l want to take this opportunity to thank the American Embassy for giving me this opportunity.”

READ MORE – Unwavering Ugandan Youngster Continues to Fight for His Dream After Heartbreaking Major League Setback


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Dennis Kasumba even managed to impress the MLB Draft League and it’s President.

Sean Campbell admires Kasumba’s spirit

The Ugandan youth used his creativity to use whatever resources were available to him and made the best of them. His pure passion for baseball not only won over social media users but also Sean Campbell, President of  MLB Draft League. “Being abandoned, being an orphan, living with his grandmother — not great circumstances, right?” he told Matt Monagan of MLB.com. “But the passion and energy for development. Striving for a goal. I just think there’s a heartfelt story behind it.”


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It took three tries for Kasumba to get his visa. But now that he’s finally headed to playing his beloved sport on a bigger level, the future of baseball looks bright.