
No one is above a bit of tomfoolery. Be it youngsters or adults, harmless pranks never fail to uplift the mood, although perhaps the prankster enjoys himself the most. Los Angeles Angels’ Eduardo Escobar seems to have again fallen victim to something that plagued him during the World Baseball Classic. And as expected, his former Venezuelan teammates are the perpetrators.

After spending a year and a half in Queens, Escobar now plays on the West Coast. The New York Mets traded him to the Halos a few weeks ago, where he’s seeing some old and new faces. Just as a WBC teammate from the other New York team bothered him with hilarious pranks, the same seems true in Los Angeles.


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LA Angels’ Eduardo Escobar revisits unfortunate ‘cat’ days with David Peralta

The WBC was an undoubtedly fun beginning to the regular baseball season as countries worldwide competed. But it was also an opportunity for MLB teammates and rivals to compete with each other. The tournament reunited former Arizona Diamondbacks teammates David Peralta and Eduardo Escobar, and the former enjoyed that time to his fullest.

Perhaps Escobar breathed a sigh of relief when the WBC was over. But then during the recent Subway Series, the Yankees’ Gleyber Torres also had some tricks up his sleeve as he kept a cat soft toy on the dugout wall to scare the third baseman.

Then yesterday, the Angels vs the LA Dodgers match-up yet again saw a return for the cat prank. Having the two teams in the same stadium, the Dodgers’ Peralta wasted no time in chasing Escobar off the field with a cat toy.

READ MORE – Venezuelan-Born MLB Star Leaves His New York Yankees Gear On to Celebrate a Famous World Baseball Classic Victory With His Compatriots

While some fans sympathized, some couldn’t help but roll around in laughter.

The cat prank leaves MLB fans in splits yet again

The video of the latest prank shows Escobar sprinting away from Peralta at full speed while he chases him. It is evident that the person filming the video is enjoying themselves, given their wheezing laughter. The same went for fans.

Many sympathized with Escobar, too, while some got downright angry at Peralta.


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What do you think? Except for Escobar, everyone seems to be laughing. As some pointed out, though, the prank is certainly getting old!