
Derek Jeter, aka ‘The Captain’ has proven his prowess for over 2 decades. With the mark he left during his heyday, the MLB world prays for his return in any way possible. Sure, he is nothing short of a gentleman for leading the most successful MLB franchise, but will he rekindle an association with the New York Yankees ever again?

As someone whose way of life is private with equally distributed focus on business and family, Jeter answers tough questions. In a recent conversation with Access Hollywood, the 49 year old articulates about ongoing rumors.

Derek Jeter Chooses Between Yankees and His Kids


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When asked about a possible reunion with the Yankees especially to the front office he addressed the question with a tinge of humor saying he does not pay attention to rumors. He said the only circumstance under which that would be true is, “if they have four little offices right next to the one I have for my kids then”. On a more serious note Jeter added, ” No, I haven’t thought about it. I’m very very happy with what I’m doing now. I’m very happy with spending a lot of time with my family and um it’s not something that I’ve given any thought to”.

The caring father of four is now a family man. He now has his priorities with his wife, his three girls and new born baby boy. Despite that, as someone who meandered through various milestones, the Yankees faithful continue to see a huge potential in a possible reunion between him and the Yankees. Though the future of the New York Yankees is not on Jeter’s plate, rumors have not been put to rest. However, one might wonder what the basis of this speculation is.

The Yankees’ plight this year might just be beyond repair. Pressure built by fans has brought the issue of Brian Cashman’s management into the limelight. With Jeter’s entry to the setup, the Bronx Bombers might eventually fall in good hands.

With that said, it is hard to ignore Jeter’s frequent appearances at the Yankees stadium. Also, his presence on the Old Timer’s Day has sparked up the rumors.


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Why Is Jeter A Perfect Replacement To Brian Cashman?

Mid August this year, the Yankees Legend set out to participate in his inaugural Old Timer’s Day event. WFAN host Shaun Morash picked this instance up, foreseeing Brian Cashman’s replacement as general manager.

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There is no doubt that Cashman is a much maligned entity among the Yankees fans. And given Jeter’s popularity, he stands as a polar opposite candidate to fill the GM position for the Yankees. Although there have been many back and forths from fans about firing Cashman, there is no solid conclusion.

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