
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

There is a deep sense of “Apathy and frustration” in Boston. Well, this is not a baseless statement. A recent fan survey conducted by The Athletic reveals grave dissatisfaction and pessimism among the fans of the Boston Red Sox at the onset of the 2024 season. 

It is no secret that the club has not made any major moves, while their rival, the New York Yankees, has hoarded an enviable rotation. Teams other than the Yankees too have made some big splash. Though the overall energy of MLB going into Spring Training is high, it’s not so much the case for the Red Sox. The dominant emotion among fans is dismay.

The Disappointment Among Fans is Profound 


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Well, the first and foremost metric is about confidence and excitement in the team. Only 1.6% of the surveyors felt confident that the team is headed in the right direction. While a whopping 74% lacked confidence. This draws comparisons to the past year. 70% of the folks felt less confident about the team’s prospects last year. And a mere 2.1% seem excited for the upcoming season. With such a number, one wonders what could have led to the fans feeling so underwhelmed. 

This draws attention to how fans feel about the ownership and direction. 85% of respondents appear to have no confidence in their ownership. This might sound an alert bell to John Henry, Tom Werner, and Sam Kennedy, leaders of the Red Sox. Could it be true that the ownership prioritizes financial interests over winning, as fans say? 

Over half the percent of fans (54%) are on board with the act of firing Chaim Bloom. Despite that, many remain skeptical of the ownership’s commitment to building a sustained winner. A comment summarized the ongoing sentiment about the franchise.

It read, “As a lifelong fan, I am confused at the direction of this team, the lack of identity, lack of player leadership, and frustrated with an ownership that once was so devoted to winning by any means necessary.” 


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Moving away from the ownership concerns, the fans are also not happy with how the club has approached the off-season. Though starting pitching is overwhelmingly seen as the biggest weakness (89%), followed by defense (7%), there have been no substantial moves in the club. Fans have doubted the ability of the team to develop homegrown talent. As a ripple effect comes the next shocking prediction. 


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67% of the fans foresee the Red Sox winning fewer than 80 games, just like the past two seasons. But, despite the pessimism, a chuck of fans remain cautiously optimistic. Theo Epstein’s arrival as part owner also plays a part in potentially shifting the energy. To sum it all up, the Red Sox fan base has entered the 2024 season disappointed. But with everyone’s eyes on the World Series, the tables might just turn.