
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

The Boston Red Sox haven’t been able to catch a break for a long time. Ever since 2018’s World Series win and the 2021 ALCS, the team has just floundered. Consecutive 78-win seasons have dampened the atmosphere and now the possible injury of Lucas Giolito has further strained their chances. In the center of all of it is the Red Sox’s skipper Alex Cora, who is entering the last year of his contract. Before he becomes the “next hot managerial free agent”, the skipper seems confident, like always, for his walk year.

Cora’s tenure hasn’t been a bed of roses. The skipper started his tenure with a World Series win in 2018 and followed that up with no postseason. Then in 2021, he again got the team to the playoffs and ever since then, the story has been of disappointments and failure. This is his last chance, and Cora looks more than ready for it with a ‘controlled narrative’.

Boston Red Sox’s skipper finds comfort in the chaos 


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The Red Sox haven’t improved much in the past two seasons. While they were expected to invest more this offseason, the team’s management wanted to see its prospects flourish. As a result, FanGraphs predicts the Red Sox will have an 80-82 record and finish last in the AL. The Athletic interviewed the skipper Alex Cora and asked him about his plans for the upcoming season.

I do feel we’re better than what people think,” Cora said. He then talked about how he has handled the pressure quite well in Boston. “Over the years — I hate to say it this way, because it feels like I’m bragging — but I have controlled the narrative since 2017…Twice a day on that bench (in spring training), twice a day in Fenway, no one can say he hasn’t been able to deal with Boston,” said Cora.

Till now, Cora has gotten a mixed response from the Red Sox fans. On one hand, the fanbase recognizes that he was responsible for the last World Series win as well as a great 2021. On the other hand, there are worries that the Sox may have reached a saturation point under him. 

Read more: Boston Red Sox Fans’ Frustration Peaks, Expectations Hit a New Low Amidst an Underwhelming Off-Season


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While Cora expects to enter negotiations for a new deal on the back of a winning campaign, things have gotten progressively tougher for the Sox in recent times.

“Not a good day for us”: Lucas Giolito’s injury and the tough offseason business 

On Tuesday, Alex Cora revealed that their biggest free agent signing of this offseason Lucas Giolito had discomfort in his elbow. As a result, the pitcher was undergoing tests and could require surgery and miss out on the entire season. This has come in as a major blow for the Sox, who were just starting to gel as a team in Spring Training. The team’s manager bluntly assessed the outcome, stating, “Not a good day for us.”


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While they’re linked with Jordan Montgomery, this injury could impact those links profoundly. With their weak pitching staff growing even weaker, could this increase the urgency in the team? Somewhere Scott Boras might be smiling right now.

Read more: Ketchup, ‘Sweet Caroline’ & Everything In Between – An Insider’s Guide to Red Sox’s Fenway Park