
Being a single parent can be a tough job for many, but the New York Yankees legend Alex Rodriguez seems to be a pro at everything A-Rod has been a single parent to his daughters, Natasha and Ella, ever since he got separated from his ex-wife Cynthia Scurtis in 2008.

Now, A-Rod and Scurtis, after moving on in their lives, do not seem to have any hard feelings for each other, making it unbelievable at times. So unbelievable that most recently, A-Rod ended up uniting his ex-wife with his current girlfriend, Jaclyn Cordeiro.


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Alex Rodriguez has created a compatible blended family

A-Rod has already introduced his girlfriend to his daughters and has also introduced his family to Jaclyn’s kids. With only a few months into the relationship, the two of them have created a great family fond of each other. And now, A-Rod has also introduced his ex-wife, Cynthia Scurtis, to Cordeiro. Together, all of them have created an environment that most people would find uncanny. 

Read More: Alex Rodriguez’s Ex-Fiancée Jennifer Lopez Leaves Him Out Yet Again in a Touching Tribute For Her Twins’ 15th Birthday

Most recently, this blended family went to watch an NBA game between the Minnesota Timberwolves against the Washington Wizards. Even though A-Rod’s Timberwolves could not win the game last night, the family seemed to have a great time. On his Instagram handle, the former Yankee posted a picture of himself with his elder daughter, Natasha. Beside it was the picture of the binuclear family having Scurtis, A-Rod, Cordeiro, Natasha, Cordeiro’s girls, Nick Silva, and a family friend. 


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The thing to notice here is that this was not always the case with every one of Rodriguez’s exes. Scurtis was not fond of every girlfriend her ex-husband brought into their daughters’ lives. 


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Scurtis did not like pop icon, Jennifer Lopez

Even though JLo and A-Rod had also created a beautiful blended family, there were multiple times during their relationship when feuds occurred between the family. Scurtis did not like Lopez interfering too much between her and A-Rod, trying to co-parent the girls. 

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At one point, JLo had even petitioned that Rodriguez should pay less to Scurtis for child support. To this, Scurtis had even said that she never had such problems with the former Yankee. Although it was until JLo came into the picture. However, from the looks of it, Scurtis does not seem to have issues with Cordeiro. 

But what do you think about the future of this blended family? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!