
One of the most important things about the Minnesota Timberwolves is their defensive resolve. The team consistently delivers some of the best defensive plays in the NBA, and that has turned them into a winning juggernaut. Now, if one has to go by what Alex Rodriguez says, giving priority to defense is a core philosophy that he learned while playing baseball. 

Even though Rodriguez’s offensive plays have always mesmerized the fans, he wasn’t any less defensive. For a huge number of people, A-Rod was perhaps one of the greatest shortstops of all time. And the way he transitioned to third base was equally impressive. In an appearance on Dane Moore’s NBA Podcast, Rodriguez shared why he gives so much importance to defense. The legend also praised his defense for putting Jamal Murray in a difficult position.

“It’s an exciting, exciting team,” Rodriguez said. “When you saw that play where Jaden and Nickheil locked up Murray, where I think Kevin the announcer said, ‘he’s in a straitjacket!’ I mean, it is suffocating and fun to watch.” Later, the Timberwolves owner revealed the importance of good defense in creating a winning team.


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Rodriguez revealed that he has always celebrated defense more than offense. It’s because defense takes “discipline and effort” to master. He went even deeper and explained just how many qualities a player needs to become a good defender. “To play defense, it takes fortitude, grit, perseverance, defense, and tremendous effort. This team has that in spades,” Rodriguez said.

However, while he was full of praise for the Timberwolves, Rodriguez also found time to reminisce about his baseball career. More importantly, he found another way to endear himself even more to the people of Minnesota.

Alex Rodriguez praises the Minnesota Twins’ Hall-of-Famer 


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While discussing the importance of defense, Rodriguez inadvertently shifted to Joe Mauer, the Minnesota Twins legend. Calling Mauer one of his “favorite” players, Rodriguez tipped his hat to the Hall-of-Famer’s multiple batting awards. However, he noted that defense was always their priority. “(Mauer had) One of the best swings I’ve ever seen in my career. But if you ask Joe Mauer and you asked me and we both won batting titles. We way more celebrate the gold gloves than the batting titles,” A-Rod said.

The crowd couldn’t stop cheering for Rodriguez during this interview. Slowly but gradually, A-Rod’s ways of becoming part of the Timberwolves fanbase are working. The superstar has been hailed as a “People’s owner” due to his lovable antics. Certainly, with the infectious vibes around the Minnesota Timberwolves, this sentiment is only going to grow from here on.