
It’s Stiinngg!!! Tony Schiavone yelling every time Sting comes out, marvels fans to this day. The Sting persona is that of a silent, brooding vigilante, an anti-hero of sorts whose unpredictability entices fans. The Stinger is synonymous with old and young fans alike. However, much like his character on screen, the origin of his name is a mystery to some even today. Let’s try to break down by deep diving to the inception of his career.

Sting, unlike many of his contemporaries, wasn’t the most wrestling avid child growing up. It was only whilst attending a WWE live event he took the biz as being something interesting. His trainer and eventual manager at Deep South Wrestling Rick Bassman sold him the sport as being a great career choice. Sting, before gaining popularity in WCW, tried his own share of not so successful gimmicks.


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Origins And Switch to Sting

It is rather uncommon when a tag team splits into probably two of the most successful wrestlers of all time. Such was the case with him and the Ultimate Warrior, though. Sting’s first gimmick, along with the ultimate warrior then referred to as Flash and Rock, respectively involved being a tag-team called the freedom fighters.

After his initial run on the indies, the Icon went to WCW, where he gained most of his popularity. At the start of his career, though, he came to be known as Surfer Sting. Sting was a chirpy energetic character whose enthusiasm was probably his selling point. It was after his star-making performance headlining the inaugural ‘Night of Champions‘ against Ric Flair that he changed his character to the Sting as we know him now. Steve Borden (Original name) has highlighted how he thinks the singer Sting has a major role in his character development.

During his rivalry with the nWo, we witnessed Sting embrace his vigilante persona that we know and love today.


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One Final Ride


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At 62, the Icon is back for a last run in wrestling. He is happy with his role in AEW, elevating the talent by his mere presence. His chief contributions to wrestlers are as a mentor, technician, but also performing as a wrestler.

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