
Watching your favorite streamers is great. But it gets even better when they decide to rip into another streamer and trash-talk about him/her. All the streamers do not necessarily get along very well with each other but they definitely give us some entertaining moments with their comments.

One of the best examples for this would be Tyler ‘loltyler1’ Steinkamp, who is always in rage mode. His regular League of Legends streams are highly entertaining, both in terms of gameplay and his antics. Usually, when subscribers donate money, the streamer thanks them for their generosity. But when Ninja donated money to loltyler1, he just went bat-shit crazy.

During his livestream, he saw Ninja had made a donation. This sent him into a frenzy where he said


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“Hey, the a******’s back. He’s such a piece of s*** man. Have you nothing better to do, in your life, than put me in losers queue?”

This was when Ninja popped up to watch his stream and donate money.

As Steinkamp claims, every time Ninja makes a donation while he streams, he loses. He continues by saying

“Why don’t you take your wife out Ninja? Stop spending all your time inside on a computer like a loser, bro. Go out to dinner or go play put-put.”

This did not stop Ninja from annoying Steinkamp a little more as he continued to watch his stream. This caused Tyler to say,

“How many f****** times do I have to tell your punk-a** to piss off and stop sending bees. Every single time you send them, I go on a losing streak.”

This may be just banter amongst them and there is nothing major going down here. Still, Steinkamp was visibly annoyed when Ninja joined the stream.


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Ninja eyes Hollywood

Ninja on the other hand has been busy doing his thing. He hasn’t streamed on Twitch for almost a year now. He also still hasn’t signed an exclusive deal with any platform for his future streams. Recently, Ninja also revealed that he is eyeing a Hollywood gig as he dreams of being on the big-screen too now. This news was surprising when it broke but, in hindsight, it seems like the natural next step considering he is one of the biggest streamers in the world. The streamer has big things planned for himself and time will tell what the future holds


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Source: loltyler1 Twitch