A Twitter user known for providing news on Counter Strike Global Offensive and Valve as a whole has announced a major leak. 2Eggs tweeted out today alleging the source code for Team Fortress 2 and CS: GO from 2017 (Operation Hydra) has been leaked on the internet. If true, Valve faces quite the damage control job in the coming days.
The leak of a game’s source code is a grave matter for any title. With the source code, a lot of the details involved in the development of a game can be unearthed. Check out the tweet by 2Eggs below.
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Counter Strike Global Offensive Source Code Leak Source
Apparently, a disgruntled employee nicknamed Maxx leaked the source code to Tyler McVicker, who runs the YouTube channel named Valve News Network.
However, McVicker has insisted that the leak did not come from the employee he was in contact with a little while back.
It could be that the data leaked from 2017 is too old to be of any potential use.
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However, if not, it could be of immense use to hackers and cheat developers who will now get a glimpse at the game engine, making it a child’s play for them to do their work.
The source code leak could potentially disrupt the game in the following weeks much to the dismay of fans of both titles. While the news has spread across the internet from credit to 4chan, there is no official word from Valve.
It could also mean users accessing the gams’ servers could be at risk of malware infection. Many community forums are asking users to avoid connecting to the Counter Strike Global Offensive and Team Fortress servers until there is any official word from Valve.
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While a patch can perhaps contain the damage, for now, the best solution would be for Valve to release Source 2 as soon as it can.
Let’s wait and watch dor any official confirmation fo the leak.