
via Imago

via Imago

Ladies’ tees, or women’s tees, is a term that is used in the golf world for forward tees. When a golfer plays from the forward tee, it means that they are playing it at the shortest par length. The color associated with the “ladies’ tees” is red. The term women’s tees came into being when women used to play from the forward tees back in the day. Recently, Hailey Ostrom, Paige Spiranac’s fierce business competitor, shared her opinion about calling them women’s tees, and her aim to break the stereotypes.

Ostrom took to her Instagram to share what she thinks about the red tees while she displayed her stunning golfing skills. The fans were quick to shower her post with abundant attention and well-deserved support.

Paige Spiranac’s rival shares her take on women’s tees


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Calling forward tees “women’s tees or red tees” is not appropriate. Not all female golfers play from the red tee, and if so, female golfers are not the only ones playing from there. Forward tees are meant for beginner and junior golfers of any gender who are just starting out to play golf.

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As mentioned on Golf Pass, in 2019, Yacht Country and Club changed the color of the tees to Roman numerals so that there is no stigma around the tees. It helped provide the golfers with an overall better experience.

In the video, which the 27-year-old professional golfer shared on her Instagram, she was dressed in a blue skirt with a purple top and a whales hat. At the beginning of her video, she said, “I don’t know what women’s tees are!” as she played the par-5 hole from the tip. When she concluded her video, her wise words were, “Who said forward tees are women’s tees?”

Ostrom’s post garnered a lot of attention and support from fans, and rightfully so! Let us look at some of the comments that fans left in support of the issue raised by Ostrom.

Fans react to Ostrom’s recent Instagram video

Many fans showered the beautiful golfer’s post with a lot of affirmative comments. Some of them even shared the personal instances they have had with the women’s tees aspect.

Sharing her incident about the women’s tees discussion, a fan commented,I love this so much! I had an old guy just this last weekend walk up to me and say, “you know the women’s tees are up there right?” After I had just bombed one from the tee box he was going to be playing from. You could probably see the steam coming from my ears lol”

Many fans appreciated Hailey’s efforts and how she prompted an issue in the golf world. 

“You go girl!!!😍😍😍”

“You tell em girl”

“👏👏👏 atta girl! ❤️”

“Pfft!! Women’s tees?? Show ’em how it’s done Hailey!! Play it as it lies – & that includes EVERYONE playing from the same tees!! Respect!! 🤘😎🤘”

“Show em how it’s done 👏love this ending statement”

Many golf fans came forward and said that the tees should just be regarded as forward tees, and not women’s tees.

“Nice work!! The forward tees are the forward tees. 🔥”


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“Agreed – tee boxes should be by handicap not by gender. Good job👏👏👏”

“Nice hole ⛳ We play middle/forward tees 😆”

“Front tees”


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What is your opinion about calling forward tees women’s tees?  Let us know in the comments below.

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