
via Imago

via Imago

Superstitions are part of many golfers’ lives. Like the iconic Sunday red attire from Tiger Woods or Jack Nicklaus keeping three coins in his pocket for better play, usually, golfers try various things to help them improve their on-course performance. But with Wichanee Meechai, the superstition goes beyond the golf course and it’s not at all related to the game of golf.

On Friday of the U.S. Women’s Open, the 31-year-old pro revealed that her rental house might be haunted. Meechai noticed a little paranormal activity at night and though afraid, Meechai was able to keep calm, with the help of a special gift that she received from her mother.

Wichanee Meechai reveals her belief in the shadow world 


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Not many would have believed Meechai’s story of witnessing the presence of a ghost near her, but she has experienced it and believes in it too. In the Saturday press conference of the U.S. Women’s Open, the Thai pro revealed, “I’m Buddhist, so we believe in ghosts” and that they live in a shadow world, hidden from humans.

Meechai had been disturbed by the paranormal activities and had been a bit sleepless throughout the night. So, to help the pro, her manager recommended that they sleep close to one another. However, Meechai told her, “I’m going to be okay. I’m going to be fine.” What gave her this reassurance? It came from the necklace she wore at night.

The 31-year-old explained the significance of the necklace to the press, saying, “I have a superstition thing that I put on, like protecting it, from my mom, so I think it’ll be fine.” In Buddhism, as Meechai revealed, a monk or someone you respect gives one this necklace. Wearing it at night ensures safe and sound sleep, regardless of whatever paranormal activity surrounds the house.


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Interestingly, the ghostly encounter has not deterred the Thai pro from playing her best game. Meechai has been tied for the lead after three rounds. And she will contest for her first major title on Sunday. Apart from the Airbnb spirit, what are the ghosts Meechai is facing on the Pennsylvania greens?

Wichanee Meechai talks about being pressured on the Lancaster course


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The Lancaster G&CC has been a nightmare for many pros but not for Wichanee Micchai. She has sailed through it and has shot three rounds of 69-67-69 to stay at the top of the leaderboard. But what has been bugging the Thai pro? The pressure that has been mounting on her as she vys for her maiden major title. The 31-year-old shared that she has received many texts and said, “Because I feel so nervous and I don’t like the pressure at all.” To calm her nerves, her manager has advised Meechai to be on total social media lockdown. The Thai native wouldn’t want pressure disturbing her mindset and a potential win at the U.S. Women’s Open.

As only the Sunday round remains, Meechai revealed her plans to stay eagle-eyed and said, “I’m trying not to look anything on my phone because it’s going to put pressure on me, so I turn off everything.” Will Wichanee Meechai overcome her on-and-off-course fears to be the 2024 U.S. Women’s Open winner? It remains to be seen.