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The world’s sexiest woman, Paige Spiranac, is a thriving social media sensation. Her spark radiated through even the toughest platforms to break and now has roughly four million people following her. She recently talked about her content strategy and the side of personality she showcases online. She also mentioned how some people don’t understand this side of her, and what they should do.

Paige Spiranac is a retired professional golfer turned social media celebrity. She is one of the most popular golf world celebrities online.


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Paige Spiranac talks about how she feels about social media

Paige Spiranac has brought a different perspective on the world of golf. Women not only admire her sense of personal style, but it also is an inspiration for them. She showcases how to be comfortable with her sexuality and accentuates the feminine side of herself.

Read More: ‘I’m So Worried…’: Paige Spiranac Reveals the Enormous Downside of Being a ‘People Pleaser’

That threatens some people, seeing a powerful woman like Spiranac being comfortable with herself, and Spiranac has a coherent message for such people. Such people, as per Paige, can unfollow her.

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Considering how she has been posting similar sort of content for a while now and she is persistent in the continuity of the same. It does not make sense for the continuous hate. For Spiranac, such people should see themselves out of her social media life. Interestingly, Spiranac seems to have no time for hate and we are all in for that.

She said, “Social media is about entertaining and bringing a smile to your face. I always lean into that more sexed-up extroverted version of myself to create good content. Some people just don’t like that at all. Well, then don’t follow me if you don’t agree with it, because I’ve been posting the same things that I’ve posted for such a long time. And it’s never going to change

Is Paige a people pleaser?

People-pleasing manifests in multiple ways. We can term someone as a people pleaser when they are not assertive and can not say no even if it costs them their happiness and peace.

Spiranac once discussed the same on her YouTube channel. Many banes surely accompany the boon of social media, one of which is its effects on one’s personality. Seeking constant validation and doing things because you are a people pleaser is a common sight in the internet era.

The ever-so-confident Paige Spiranac is also no exception to this side of social media. She has confessed to being a public pleaser and how that affects her content style and type. addressed just that. She talked about how seeking validation from people online is sometimes toxic to the creator.

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People’s opinions of her matter significantly to her. The aforesaid is to an extent that it becomes hard or her to post the type of content she wants to as social media puts you under constant surveillance.


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Watch This Story: Harsh public scrutiny once made Paige Spiranac succumb to pressure and almost quit her career

However, this is not just Paige, most content creators face the same fate.


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