
Fortnite battle royale is known for collaborating with big franchises like Marvel, DC, and many more. Most of these collaborations are heavily related and linked to a particular season. For instance, Season 3 centered around Aquaman and the water theme. Thus, the major cosmetics released for the season included Aquaman variants, Black Manta, Princess Mera.

Every season has a primary theme, which dictates all the cosmetics in the game for that season. However, Epic likes to add different cosmetics, from time to time, to keep things fresh. The most prominent example of this would be Banana skin or Face-bag skin.

Recently, TheSmithPlays ranked every single skin (290) in Fortnite from 2019.


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Regardless of the theme, the cosmetics in the game may not always sit well with the fans. There have been multiple occasions where the fans expressed their discontent with Epic’s choice. Sometimes, these skins are removed from the store if players simply don’t spend their V-bucks on them.

What are the worst skins ever in Fortnite?

Players spend more money on Fortnite than any other game. Emotes and the skins are always in demand and so Epic keeps them coming.

Although a skin or an emote won’t give players a tactical or gameplay advantage, it makes them stand out. It allows players to be unique, at least to a degree.

However, the game also has many skins that people absolutely hate. 

If we rate the skins one by one, then the Recon Scout, a simple yet extremely expensive skin, would be top of the worst skins list. Epic introduced this skin in the very first season of Fortnite.

The second one on the list would be the Desperado. Priced at 1200 V-bucks, the skin is simply not worth the exorbitant sum.


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Aerobic Assassin skin set was another flashy and tacky skin, which the community hated. It definitely earns its place on the 3rd spot.

Alpine Ace, Crypt Crosser, Masked Fury- all of these skins were generally disliked and thus follow the top 3 worst skins ever in Fortnite. 

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Do let us know which skins according to you are the worst?