
It is impressive how Fortnite still remains to be one of the most popular Battle Royale titles, given that it is one of the first of its kind. Epic Games has always seen to it that the game does not lose its relevance in terms of content. Over the years, Fortnite has succeeded in bringing together the fan communities of multiple pop-culture fandoms, thus increasing its popularity.

With a huge number of gameplay elements, players are always trying to find hacks or shortcuts and exploiting them. Now, many of these are very well-known among the community. However, since not everyone usually checks these out for their validity, a lot of them turn out to be myths.

Many players dedicate their time to check these out and confirm their validity. Like an episode of Mythbusters, we will now present to you five popular in-game myths and whether they are real.


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Further reading: “I Hate 50–50’s With Toast So Much” Corpse Husband Returns to Among Us

Five Fortnite myths and whether they work

Can an NPC defeat a Spire Guard?

For those who do not know, Chapter 2 Season 6 allows you to hire NPCs to fight for you. Now, this naturally opened a lot of possibilities for the players. For instance, it raised the question, what would happen if two non-playable characters fight it out in the game? Well, if you hire an NPC and lure it towards a Spire Guardian, the NPC will end up defeating the latter. Well, looks like this myth is real.

Do the bows in Fortnite really have an unlimited range?

This season brought new bows into the game, the arrival of which started the rumor that the bows can fire arrows over any distance on the map. A lot of players have been believing this as well. However, upon testing, we learned that it was far from the truth. In reality, bows in Fortnite can deal effective damage up to a range of around 450m.

Can you use a vehicle on the Spire launchpad?

As it turns out, you can. All you need to do is build a ramp big enough to get your car up there. And it is not just cars, either. You can also drag a boat up there and use the Spire launchpad with it!


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Do the animals take fall damage?

With the addition of NPCs, players tested whether they experience any fall damage whatsoever. But they have seen that it is possible for NPCs to fall to their death on the game. Naturally, with the arrival of so many animals in the game, players tried the same. As it turns out, all the animals in the game are completely invincible to fall damage.


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Can you pull off a ‘Jurassic World’ on the Spire Guardian?

You may have guessed what we mean by this. With the addition of Raptors into the game, taming them has been one of the most exciting aspects of the game. Now, taming a raptor means that it will fight on your behalf. Obviously, this raises the previous question: who will emerge victorious in a fight between raptors and the Spire Guard? Now, there are two answers to this. If you manage to tame a pack of raptors, then the Spire Guard stands no chance. However, a solo raptor will easily die at the hands of the Guard.

Well, this gives you a ton of interesting ideas to try out the next time you log into the game!