
The 13.20 update patch went live on Fortnite on the 30th of last month. This update brought tonnes of changes, from the addition of new heroes and map changes. Along with this, the update added a new gun and included quite a few fixes and optimizations in the game.

But there were some changes here and there, however, that were not included in the official patch notes. Thanks to YouTuber “TheCampingRusher” and two well-known Fortnite Leakers on Twitter, we now have some sort of a list of updates and changes not included in the official patch notes.


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Read more: Fortnite: First Major Patch Update of Season 3

The unofficial patch notes, courtesy of Fortnite leakers

Let us start this off with the update that a lot of players have already speculated: the addition of vehicles in Fortnite. Courtesy of Mang0e Fortnite leaks on Twitter, we now know the kind of vehicles that will be available. We still do not know how they will look like, but here is a list:

Next up, we have a change in the loot dropped by the Marauders. Now, this change is a balanced one, as the devs have increased the amount of ammo the Marauders used to drop but threefold. However, devs have decreased the chance of Marauders dropping supplies, with the exception of stinks. This one is by courtesy of HYPEX, yet another well-known data miner and leaker.

Now, for the weapons. HYPEX is to be thanked again for this, as the tweets give us a detailed idea of what the devs did with weapon updates. Note: We are not including the Flare gun in this, because it has been talked about already in the official patch notes.

These changes are surely going to affect the gameplay, and players going to need to change their meta accordingly. A big example would be the charge shotgun. This weapon has undergone a change with this update as well, with a decrease in reload time for all the variants. The Mythic variant of the Ocean’s Burst Assault Rifle has undergone a slight buff too, with increased damage and reduced recoil and reload time. Devs have made a relatively balanced change to the legendary variation of the Rapid Fire SMG.

Hypex also leaked some news about the LTM hotfixes this update.

Map changes and Captain America

We now know that the water level around the map will be the same until the 11th of this month. The next reduction in water levels will reveal a lot more places of interest. In fact, here is a tweet by YouTuber Happy Power, showing a close up of the Atlantis POI (actually taken from @VollMitBotox’s tweet).

Last but not the least, a lot of players have been speculating about the new hero that will be added. A lot of players claim to have heard from various sources that it is going to be Captain America. HYPEX says that sources have confirmed that it is, in fact, going to be Captain America. Cap will be in tomorrow’s item shop with his own custom item shop background.


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This is surely a lot of exciting news and players will surely be looking forward to discovering them on their own. With this many changes (especially with weapons and supplies), pro players will have to change their meta around these changes.