Fortnite battle royale Season 3 surprised us with a lot of new content. Some of these things were expected, while others weren’t. The meta is definitely going through a series of variations, which is quite subjective in the end. However, there are also some glitches and bugs that have surfaced in season 3.
Epic Games went all-in with their efforts to change the entire game dynamic. With all the inclusions and exclusions, a keen sense of considering community opinion is displayed. Recently, an instant reload glitch was discovered, which has been causing some turmoil in the game. The trick is simple, but it is definitely a bug.
Tfue and SypherPK both commented on their views on this issue. Tfue said, “It’s kind of fire, though, are you kidding me, that is actually broken as f***.” The trick is if you drop a weapon and pick it up instantly, it will have a full clip.
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Fortnite instant reload bug grabbing attention
Sypher, on the other hand, said, “I’m going to show you this bug, but I am not telling you to use it.“That was actually the more sensible thing to do as players will instantly start abusing it. Epic Games have not officially said anything about fixing this as of yet. As an influencer, Sypher correctly suggests that it shouldn’t be abused.
“It’s not that game-breaking, it’s pretty messed up if it stays in.” While it might not be serious, players will be inclined to use it. Suppose you are out of bullets, this will be the best way to turn over that disadvantage.
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“This might not be a bug”
Sypher has an interesting theory behind this one, not being a bug. “They might be trying to make it where when you pick up somebody else’s weapon, they don’t want you to pick it up and have to reload it.” The automatic reload feature might be something that Epic is trying to get in the game.
It’s not like we are creating the ammo; it is used from the inventory. This feature definitely came in with the new patch. The best we can do is wait for official news on this as Epic might have planned this through. Otherwise, we are sure they will fix it soon enough.