Week 3 challenges of Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5 are out, and they seem pretty straightforward. Completing these tasks grant XP to the players on a weekly basis. In the previous week, players had challenges that focused on clue hunting, dropping evidence, and also destroying elements across the island.
However, this week’s challenges are pretty self-explanatory and fairly easy. Players have to complete tasks that involve sticking to the objective of the game. Killing enemies with headshots or dealing certain amount of damage, these challenges can be completed easily within a few matches.
There are two kinds of challenges: Epic and Legendary. While the epic challenges are available for completion throughout the season, the legendary ones are time bound. Read on to find out all the Week 3 challenges.
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Epic Challenges
- Damage players with Assault Rifles or SMGs (0/500)
- Headshot Damage to players with Pistols or Sniper Rifles (0/200)
- Destroy Toilets (0/3)
- Loot Chests in Craggy Cliffs, Holly Hedges or Retail Row (0/7)
- Eliminations with Rare weapons or greater (0/3)
- Eliminations while in a Vehicle (0/1)
- Loot Ammo Boxes in Salty Towers or Colossal Coliseum (0/7)
Legendary Challenges
- Eliminations while in a Vehicle (5 stages)
Each Epic challenge is worth 20,000 XP. However, the Legendary challenge is worth 55,000 XP for the first stage and 22,000 XP for each stage thereafter. There is also a cosmetic reward at the end for completing the challenge.
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Quick tips to easily complete Fortnite Week 3 challenges

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Dealing 500 damage to players is pretty easy and can be completed in a single match. Use a sniper to deal the damages and that way you can complete two challenges at the same time.
Drop down in Flush Factory to find plenty of toilets that you can destroy. Just remember other players are keen on finishing these challenges as well, so do not drop your guard.
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To complete the Legendary challenge players need to execute 15 eliminations from a vehicle. The X-4 Stormwing might be the best choice of vehicle for this task. This challenge expires by the end of the week, so be quick.
Finish these challenges fast to stack up that XP and get ready for Operation Snowdown.