
Since the release of Chapter 2 Season 5, the Fortnite community has discovered a plethora of bugs and glitches in the game. From explosive XP to unlimited health, these glitches provide a variety of unfair advantages, and players around the world miss no opportunity to exploit them.

The latest glitch to arrive in Fortnite significantly enhances the player’s control on a gun’s bloom. While playing a duos game, FaZe Clan’s creator and pro player, Sway, spectated his teammate Apex exploiting it.

Despite losing the height advantage, Apex surprisingly clutched a 2v1 against the last surviving duo. He intentionally dropped down the cliff and aimed for headshots.


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In a recent video, Daily Clips Central covered the pro’s shocking reaction to the glitch:

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What is the bloom glitch in Fortnite?

In comparison to other battle royale games like PUBG, shooting in Fortnite is a completely novel experience because of bloom. Even though players can see a center dot while aiming, the shots do not have a fixed chance of landing on it. Instead, they randomly land within the outer circle.

There are several factors that lead to a change in this circle’s size. While movement and hip fire decimate accuracy by enlarging the circle, crouching does the exact opposite. To evade this randomness and further improve their aim, players can either play with a sniper rifle or depend on the first-shot accuracy.

Fortnite pros around the world practice consistently to master bloom on guns and FaZe Sway is no exception. Naturally, watching his teammate easily land shots and deal damage astonished him. To evade any allegations regarding cheating and unfair means, Apex also displayed his task managers for his viewers.

Here’s Alex’s tweet following the stream:


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While Apex’s actions were clearly intentional, a lot of viewers claim that his impeccable accuracy was mere luck and not a glitch. Another faction of fans believes that the streamer was simply showing off his exceptional aiming skills.

Considering that no other players have reported a similar bug, it is hard to derive a conclusion out of the situation. However, if the glitch is real, it might end up breaking the game meta.