
via Imago

via Imago

Former NBA player Sebastian Telfair was sentenced to prison on charges of carrying a loaded gun back in 2017 in Brooklyn.

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, on Monday, announced that Telfair has been sentenced to three and a half years in prison for gun possession.

“The mandatory prison sentence he received today is required by law and he has now been held accountable for the unlawful conduct,” Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez said in a statement.


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The 34-year old got emotional in the Brooklyn court after he was convicted talking about the family which he had to take care.

“Please don’t take me from society right now,’’ Telfair was quoted as saying in a statement.

“I am 34. I can go play in China for six years and take care of my family. I’m waiting for my daughter right now to get her period. Real mental illness because I wasn’t around … She hasn’t even gotten her period yet.”

Telfair added, “Sebastian Telfair is going to jail for a … victimless crime.

“Put a gun in his hand and fight for us n—a … I go to the gun store. I got an American Express.’’

Minutes earlier, Telfair walked into the courtroom dressed all in black saying, “God on the throne, that’s what my mother says, God still sits on the throne.’’

Marijuana smell led the cops to Telfair-

According to various sources, Telfair was spotted while driving his Ford F-150 pickup truck in Brooklyn 2017 for driving with the lights off and illegally parking on the median of Atlantic Avenue, when his vehicle was searched.

During the trail, Telfair went on to protest that the officers had searched the car without a warrant, deeming it illegal. But the cops’ version said that they had smelled a marijuana pot that led them to the car.

After searching the car, they not only found a marijuana cigarette but also three loaded handguns, a submachine gun, a ballistic vest, extended magazines and ammunition.

Telfair told the New York post that although he had the license for the weapons in Florida, he was not allowed to have them in New York. He also claimed that he was going through a divorce at that time and was unaware of the things in his truck as he had movers put stuff in the truck.

But according to the NYPD, the judge went against Telfair and the Brooklyn’s District Attorney’s Office and the Internal Affairs Bureau concluded that the arrest was justified.


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Not the first legal issue for Sebastian Telfair-

Being picked in the first round of the draft in 2004 by Portland trail Blazers, Telfair played for eight different teams in his 10 year career in NBA, including Cleveland Cavaliers, Los Angeles Clippers, Boston Celtics, Toronto Raptors and Minnesota Timberwolves.

But he was haunted by legal issues throughout his career. In 2007, Telfair and his friend were arrested for for possessing illegal weapons, after they were  stopped for being clocked at 77 mph in a 45 mph zone. He received a three year probation for a guilty plea on the issue.


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He was also previously accused for an outstanding credit card bill of over $ 43,000.