Fact-checking Policy

We, at EssentiallySports (owned by Full Spectrum Services LLP), strictly adhere to the Editorial Standards expected of us and that are accepted universally through what we stipulate in our “Editorial Guidelines.

EssentiallySports furnishes news and content from a diverse range of verified sources. We undertake stringent efforts to confirm the veracity of the information that is available in the world of the internet and digital media, only then do we proceed to create content for the general public.

Our internal policies set the standards for creating relevant ever-lasting topical content through stringent fact-checking and allied editorial policies. EssentiallySports always strives to provide content that is authentic, timely, unbiased, reliable, and resourceful. Our editorial team plays an important role in pursuing our goal of creating a trustworthy and thought-provoking experience for consumers.

As much as selecting the right source providers is important, verification and fact-checking internal standards signify high-quality journalism. We have a thorough process of authenticating, citing, and crediting such sources when we deal with or without primary sources that we obtain directly. Throughout this process, our ”˜Editorial Leadership’ works closely with our content creators to produce quality and equitable content.

EssentiallySports’ Approach to Editing and Fact-Checking

At EssentiallySports, editors are the highest authority in content. Our editors ensure that the quality of every article is of the highest editorial standard, in addition to ensuring that there is ample technical knowledge for avid sports fans. 

Our internal policies set the standards for creating content through genuine sources. EssentiallySports always strives to provide content that adds to the knowledge of the readers and also provides value for their time.

Process before publishing an article

A proposed article is evaluated by an Editor, who can choose to either publish, correct, or reject the proposed article. When reviewing an article, Editors shall ensure that:

Citations and Attributions

Citations include stipulated information or links to the original source on which the article is based. 

Sources we cite:

How does EssentiallySports verify the trust and authority of sources?

* All secondary and tertiary sources we resort to shall meet the above two requirements.

Under our policies and guidelines, material from trusted sources may be used only if:

  1. It is purely informational, and not opinion or speculation (for sports rumours, we clearly signify the speculation), and is vital to the news report.
  2. The source is reliable and in a position to have accurate information.
  3. Videos are obtained from trusted accounts, the ones that have a substantial and verifiable following. The relevant internal authority shall approve any piece of information that comes from a trusted account only. 


Interviews and podcasts generally consist of first-hand quotes and are a major part of EssentiallySports’ articles. However, there is a set of rules that we comply with while covering any piece of content from the mentioned sources:

Standards we uphold around fact-checking

EssentiallySports may not be a direct affiliate or a signatory of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN). However, we at EssentiallySports understand and acknowledge the importance of such an initiative. We streamline our internal standards in a way that shall meet the standards set by the IFCN. Listed below are the principles/standards we strongly intend to internalize and commit to:

Contact Information:

If you have a comment or question about our Fact-checking practices or other editorial policies, please email us at: editorial@essentiallysports.com 

Fact-Checking Policy Update: 02/02/2024