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Formula 1 has become the epitome of the technological advancement of vehicles around the world. From the tire to the body and every element of an F1 car is as unique and as advanced as they come. However, these unique and advanced parts of the vehicle cost an absurd amount as well.

Exactly why a team incurs massive costs because of a breakdown or a crash. Because of the high costs, there are a lot of elements of a Formula 1 car that make it so precious. Although, have you ever wondered what is the most precious and the costliest part of a Formula 1 single-seater?


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The most important element of an F1 car

Not surprisingly, the steering wheel is the most important element of a Formula 1 single-seater. The removable steering wheel has been a part of the sport since 1990. However, back then, in terms of functionality, the steering had merely three buttons. Now the modern-day steering wheel is a mere shadow of the previous editions.

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Moreover, the steering wheel is the most complex element of the single-seater. Much more than just a device to turn the front wheel, the steering wheel controls a plethora of elements. The steering wheel controls the entire single-seater with the help of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU).

Ever since Ferrari introduced paddle shifters in 1989, teams have been adding buttons to the steering wheel. The present-day steering wheel is a complex piece of machinery with hundreds of settings available to the drivers. An F1 driver can now change engine mapping and even adjust the brake bias of the cars on the go. The steering wheels also feature a digital dashboard that keeps the drivers updated about the car.

Read More: Mercedes ‘Actively Looking’ to Move Brake Magic Button on Lewis Hamilton’s F1 Steering Wheel

Not just complex, the ECU-powered steering wheel also costs between $70,000 to $100,00 each. The drivers use between three to four steering wheels during a season, with one always in reserve.

However, what makes these steering wheels so expensive, and why do drivers remove them when they stop?

Why are steering wheels the costliest element and why do drivers remove them?

The answer to the first part of the question is in the details. The detailing work that goes into a modern-day Formula 1 single-seater steering wheel makes it so expensive. Without it, the multi-million dollar vehicle is a shiny piece of junk that makes the steering wheel the key to the car.

The Formula 1 steering wheel now features about 30 buttons on it with a digital display. Admittedly, the number of buttons varies from team to team and their functionality varies from driver to driver. These buttons help drivers access multiple functions and tackle any possible hiccups during a race.

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However, on occasions when the issue isn’t fixable and drivers have to retire their cars, we often see them remove the steering wheel first. Why? A simple answer would be for safety reasons and for ease of getting in and out of the car.

The cockpit of a Formula 1 single-seater is deliberately cramped to make the car safer for the drivers. The cockpit is also the least aerodynamically friendly aspect of an F1 car and the engineers make the opening as small as possible. So in an event of an accident, the drivers remove the steering wheel first to get out of their vehicle with ease.

Read More: Steering Wheel ‘Very Different’ From McLaren: Sainz Explains Importance of Testing Older Ferrari

The drivers are also required to put the steering wheel back when their car is stranded on the side of the track. This is because they are some of the only people on the track who know how to.


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During a situation where the car is stranded on the side of the track, and when a crane isn’t required, it’s the marshalls who push the car out of the way. So when the drivers take out the steering wheel in an event of an incident, they put it back so the marshalls can steer the car clear of the track.


The steering wheel is the most complex and important element of a Formula 1 single-seater. Over the years, the multi-function steering wheel has developed in a way that makes the drivers go as fast and as safely as possible.


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The ability to detach the steering wheel is as important to the driver’s safety as the halo. This feature has helped countless drivers escape potentially dangerous and life-threatening situations.

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