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While the last two races of the 2021 season hold the excitement of an intense championship result, they will also be the last two races we enjoy with 2007 champion, Kimi Raikkonen. When Alfa Romeo had their farewell party, Raikkonen’s message to his team may have been characteristic of the Iceman outside; however, it may have been otherwise.

In a recent podcast, F1 journalist Lawrence Baretto revealed what happened at Raikkonen’s party. According to the writer, it was a surprise for Kimi. who seemed quite shocked when he saw all the people there to celebrate him.


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Further, Raikkonen’s Ferrari teammate Sebastian Vettel was also invited; although he couldn’t make it. However, that didn’t stop Seb from sending a video for his friend. Vettel told the story of how the two of them met. The people around wanted to get the German drunk but Kimi took the drinks instead. “Kimi was taking the drinks for Sebastian. He was acting like a bigger brother and that was the start of a really great relationship that they had.”

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At the end of the party, Raikkonen presented an inspiring speech thanking his team. He thanked them for their hard work and was sorry he couldn’t see them anymore. Additionally, Raikkonen took time for selfies and autographs for the members of Alfa Romeo.

Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel’s relationship

Raikkonen’s relationship with Vettel has been a heartwarming one. On the one hand, there was an enthusiastic German and on the other, the ice-cold Finn. It is this dynamic that Vettel will miss the most.


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“He is probably one of the very few drivers I’ve met from day one until the present day that hasn’t changed in the sense that he has been very open, welcoming me as a young child or a young kid when I entered Formula 1.” 

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The German had gone on to say, ” Great respect. I don’t think you can have an argument or a problem with Kimi. If you do, the problem is not him, the problem is you.” Bidding his adieu to his former Ferrari teammate, Vettel also mentioned what he will miss the most. ” He’s a great person and I’m sure we will stay in touch, so I wish him all the best – and I will miss the silence.”


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Not only Vettel, but F1 in its entirety will miss the personality of the Iceman. As Kimi Raikkonen runs his final two races in Formula 1, there is a lot to absorb and enjoy.

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