
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

As September arrives, golf fans around the world are all waiting for the Ryder Cup to commence. As Team USA puts together their squad, the European Tour is gearing up for the incredible BMW PGA Championship right before the biennial event. A flagship event for the Tour, the BMW PGA Championship also offers a chance for golfers to try and qualify for the upcoming Ryder Cup.

The BMW PGA Championship will take place at the Wentworth Golf Club, Virginia Water, Surrey in England. Now, while Team Europe will be announced, Steve Stricker is also yet to announce the complete U.S. team. Naturally, the BMW PGA Championship is easily one of the most important events on the calendar.

As for the Round 1 weather update, mild showers are expected to grace the course in the morning, followed by a partly sunny weather in the afternoon. The chance for a mild thunderstorm, is, however, looming large, due to gushing winds.


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Let’s take a look at some other details like tee times and featured groups.

Tee times and featured groups for the BMW PGA Championship (All times in GMT +1)

Time Tee GroupPlayer 1Player 2Player 3
06:4011ROUSSEL, RobinLOMBARD, ZanderPAISLEY, Chris
06:5012McGOWAN, RossHANSEN, Joachim B.MERONK, Adrian
07:1014FISHER, RossAPHIBARNRAT, KiradechGREEN, Gavin
07:2015DRYSDALE, DavidMOLINARI, EdoardoSMITH, Jordan
07:3016SOUTHGATE, MatthewJOHNSTON, AndrewFOX, Ryan
07:4017WARING, PaulCOLSAERTS, NicolasGALLACHER, Stephen
07:5018HEND, ScottROZNER, AntoineMCEVOY, Richard
08:0019FORREST, GrantVEERMAN, JohannesSCHWAB, Matthias
08:10110KARLSSON, RobertBLAND, RichardMIGLIOZZI, Guido
08:20111KAYMER, MartinPEREZ, VictorMOLINARI, Francesco
08:30112ROSE, JustinSCOTT, AdamFITZPATRICK, Matt
08:55114DETRY, ThomasWALLACE, MattHIGGO, Garrick
09:05115GRACE, BrandenJIMÉNEZ, Miguel ÁngelHARDING, Justin
09:15116BJØRN, ThomasLEWIS, TomPEPPERELL, Eddie
09:35118HOWELL, DavidMORRISON, JamesARNAUS, Adri
09:45119SODERBERG, SebastianLUITEN, JoostKINHULT, Marcus
09:55120BJÖRK, AlexanderJORDAN, MatthewBJERREGAARD, Lucas
10:05121SHARMA, ShubhankarKORHONEN, MikkoCALDWELL, Jonathan
10:15122DUBUISSON, VictorWALTERS, JustinSENIOR, Jack
10:25123CORT, MatthewPULKKANEN, TapioHANSON, Peter
10:35124LAPORTA, FrancescoWARREN, MarcPORTEOUS, Haydn
10:50125WILSON, OliverRAMSAY, RichieSAMOOJA, Kalle
11:00126ZANOTTI, FabrizioQUIROS, AlvaroKAWAMURA, Masahiro
11:10127JACQUELIN, RaphaëlFISHER, OliverKJELDSEN, Søren
11:20128BERTASIO, NinoJAMIESON, ScottAIKEN, Thomas
11:30129STORM, GraemeLORENZO-VERA, MikePARATORE, Renato
11:40130CANTER, LaurieWOOD, ChrisSTONE, Brandon
11:50131ORMSBY, WadeLEVY, AlexanderPAVAN, Andrea
12:00132HEBERT, BenjaminPIETERS, ThomasELVIRA, Nacho
12:10133HØJGAARD, NicolaiOTAEGUI, AdrianCATLIN, John
12:20134MCDOWELL, GraemeMACINTYRE, RobertNOREN, Alex
12:30135LEE, Min WooHILL, CalumBEZUIDENHOUT, Christiaan
12:40136HATTON, TyrrellHOVLAND, ViktorHARRINGTON, Padraig
13:05138DONALD, LukeHØJGAARD, RasmusSTENSON, Henrik
13:25140RAI, AaronNIENABER, WilcoBROWN, Steven
13:35141BURMESTER, DeanOLESEN, ThorbjørnCAMPILLO, Jorge
13:45142LAW, DavidSHINKWIN, CallumLANGASQUE, Romain
13:55143COETZEE, GeorgeVAN TONDER, DanielGAVINS, Daniel
14:05144HORSFIELD, SamARMITAGE, MarcusPAVON, Matthieu
14:15145KIEFFER, MaximilianLAGERGREN, JoakimSURI, Julian
14:25146WINTHER, JeffGUERRIER, JulienCROCKER, Sean
14:35147GAGLI, LorenzoCHESTERS, AshleyHORSEY, David
14:45148SANTOS, RicardoSTALTER, JoëlSHARVIN, Cormac

How to watch the BMW PGA Championship 2021?

Starting on Wednesday, September 8, the BMW PGA Championship will be broadcast extensively by Sky Sports. Stricker’s special live to reveal the picks will start first on Golf Today, the full live coverage beginning on September 9.

Round 1, Thursday, September 9 (All times in GMT +1)


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8.30 am to 12 pm – Featured Groups

12 pm to 6 pm – Full live coverage

via Reuters

We have Tyrell Hatton back to defend his title, along with a handful of others challengers. Tommy Fleetwood, Matt Fitzpatrick, Lee Westwood and Ian Poulter are the ones who are expected to perform well this time around. While Justin Rose and Poulter are most likely to receive a Ryder Cup captain’s pick, others like Hatton and Westwood are automatic qualifiers.


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