
Nintendo Switch exclusive The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a sure-shot success. Fans everywhere are enjoying this game thoroughly. Building elaborate machinery, finding hidden secrets, and solving incredibly hard shrine puzzles, the player experience is bound to be great.

What works in its favor are the limitless possibilities this game offers players. They can do anything and go anywhere they wish.

But some have started using this freedom and those abilities to do something very cruel to the most harmless creature in this game.


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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom players cannot stop torturing Koroks

In 2017’s Breath of the Wild, fans were given the task of collecting as many Korok seeds as possible. When they did so, and when they took those seeds to a particular character, they got an exciting upgrade. They could either increase their weapon or shield storage limit.

Its sequel Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has taken this quest to the next level. This time, players do find Koroks, who give them those seeds. But they also have some Koroks who just want to reach their friends at a small distance. The only twist is that they cannot move; hence, players those Koroks ask players to take them to their desired location. As a reward, the player gets two Korok seeds.

Read More: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Gets Review Bombed on Metacritic. Is This Nintendo’s Masterclass Really Bad or Are Fans Over-Reacting?

These are basically puzzles to solve, as taking those creatures to their pals is not something straightforward. Players have to build machines and do a number of other things to deal with these puzzles. Instead of doing the intended thing, some players have started using those machines and Zonai devices to torture these Koroks.

Players love to find novel ways to torture the Koroks

Some are skewering them, others are simply building a torcher machine that burns them, and one simply sent one Korok into space using those rockets. And this trend has caught up too; people have taken it upon themselves to find new, more cruel ways to torture these creatures.


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From burning these poor things to much more, some say it’s their revenge for the last game. In the last game, if people got all the seeds, they got golden poop. They might be frustrated, thinking Koroks duped them for all the effort that went into finding those seeds.


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Let’s hope that players see the reason for this and stop torturing those poor little things.

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