
The YouTube space is a place for creativity and keeping your point out in the open for people to look at. However, it seems that sometimes the algorithm makes it really difficult for a passionate yet small YouTuber or content creator to get recognition because of a really big internet personality.

The same recently happened with a YouTuber named ‘Pinely’, whose entire viewership was divided between him and a YouTube channel uploading Hasan Piker aka HasanAbi’s content online.


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This has thus made him upload another video asking a very generic question of whether making a video for YouTube is safe from piracy or not.

YouTuber Pinely gets frustrated as his video gets copied by a third-party Hasan Piker video compiler

Recently, Pinely uploaded a video titled, “How to Radicalize a Celebrity”, where he talked about Kanye West and other popular celebrities getting canceled by social media. It was a really informative video that got up to 222K views by the time of this writing, and also a lot of recognition by none other than Hasan Piker.

However, he found it really frustrating when a YouTube channel named, ‘Hasan Compilations’, which according to Hasan Piker, is not related to him, and is a part of a much bigger business model that simply uploads a video copied from a stream and uploads it on their channel with a face of HasanAbi in the Thumbnail.

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This was such that, when Pinely found out about his video being uploaded by this third-party channel, recording Hasan Piker’s stream reacting to Pinely’s video and re-uploading it on YouTube, it already had a very close amount of views to the original video.


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Why is this a very common cause for YouTubers to get frustrated?

The main reason why this entire scenario is a big reason to worry about small-time YouTubers is that creators like Pinely try to make videos that are a bit different from the mainstream video-making business on YouTube, trying to break the algorithm; someone else takes the advantage of the same algorithm and makes more views and income for the similar video.



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What do you think about this entire case? Let us know in the comments below.